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Ver. 14, i 5. xxvth Chapter of St. MATTHEW. 8 I Fifthly, The Rule which is obferved in the Diftribution, to every one according to bis ability. As in the Parable the wife Maffer knoweth every Servant, according to his prudence and skill ; fo in the Explication of the Parable every man is gifted and employed by Chrift according to his natural Receptivity. The Eye bath its office as an Eye,, and the Hand as an Hand, and the Foot as a Foot. I fhall not purfue every. minute Circumftance, but only touch upon thole things which are moft remarkable. Firlf, Obferve then, Do &. L That Chrift Yefus is the great Lord and Owner. He is fo reprefented here with refpea to Perfons and Things. Perfons : Thole that received the Talents, are called his own Servants ; and the feveral Gifts and good things bellowed upon them are called his Goods ; and thée difpenfed accord- ing to his fovereign will and pleafure ; to .one more, to another lefs. Concerning Chrrffs being a Lord and Owner, let me give you thefe Obfervati- ons. fill, The Power of Chrifi as an Owner and free Lord, is to be diflinguifhed from his power as a Governour and Ruler. As a free Lord, he hash mercy on whom he will have mercy : As a Governor and Rider, fo he judgeth the World in righteoufnefs, or according to the Law or Rated Rule which he hath given of his Will. With re- tea eEf to the one, 'tis not in him that willeth, or in him that runneth, but in God that I eweth mercy. But with refpe& to the other, fo run that you may obtain. Compare Rom. 9.16. with i Cor. 9.'24. for God that is arbitrary in his Gifts, is not arbi- trary in his Judgments. His Law and the Precepts of it is the Rule of our Du- ty ;but in the Sanéfion of it 'tis the Rule of Gods Procefs. But as an Owner he difèovereth his Sovereignty and Dominion ; as a Ruler or yudoe, his Juffice or Righ- teoufnefs : All a&s and matters of free favour are difpenfed by leim as á, Lord, but matters of right and wrong come before him as a /edge. The Good mat eif the Houfe pleaded ill, I may do with my own as it pleafeth me, Mat. 20. f 5. that belongeth to a Supream Owner. Befides, his being an Owner goeth before his being a Ruler, and is the foundation of it : For his abfolute Propriety in us, giveth him a legifla- tive power over us, to difpofe of us or command us according to Isis own will. He may give his Creatures what Rules he pleafth, and order them to what ends he thinketh good, and bind them to obferve his Order upon what terms he will. I am the Lord, Ley. r 8. r, 2, ;, 4, 5, 6. Therefore before the courfe of Government eftablifhed between him and the World, he is firft 'confidered as an Owner. Secondly, This Pourer and Ownerfhip accrueth to Chrift by a double Title ; jure Creationis, Redemptionii. (s.) By right of Creation ;, Ezek. 18.4. Behold, all Souls are mine : He bath a right to difpofe of Man, and all the reif of his Creatures, as being all of them the works of his hands. He that gave them their Beings when they were nor, and Rill h ip- porteth them now they are, bath an undoubted juif right to order them according to his own will. We have nothing but what we had from him ; and we have nothing that we our felves .can keep a moment ; and we have it upon thefe terms, to ufe it for his glory. (2.) By right of Redemption. Rom. 14. 9. For to this end Chrig both dyed and role again, that lie might be Lard of dead and living. And r Cor. 6. 20. Te are bought with a price, therefore glorifie god in your Bodies and Souls which are his. This giveth him a new Title to us, though the former ceafèd not, but will continue. Whilft Man receiveth his Being 'from God by Creation, and the continuance of his Be- ing by Prefervation ; 'cis a power commutative, not deftru&ive 'cis fuperadded to the former, and is- more comfortable and beneficial to us, as well as it bindeth us more firmly to God, wholly to be difpofed, guided and ordered by him at his will. Thirdly, This power as Owner is intire and abfolute, Rom. r t. 36. For of him, and through him, and to him are all things. We receiving our whole Being from God, 'tis all at his difpofe : All humane propriety is derived, limited, and refpe&ive, becaufe we in being and operation depend upon another ; and therefore Man can- not be fut juris, at his own difpofe, and Lord of his own a &ions. He bath Prin- ocpium er Finem, a Principle upon which he áependeih, and an End to which ho M i&