Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

241i 77e GofpetMyffery Pireet. Ia the hotine fs cf the will of God, and an indifpenfible eítabliflìment'thereby. They are works fufficient tb render the perfriners holy in all manner of con. tterfation, by the fruits which they'bring forth, if no other duties. had ever been còmmanded; and by which, the performam e of all other duties is fuf 6ciently eftabiifhed as f..on as they are commanded; and without which, there can be no holinefs of heart and life 'imagined ;° and to which, it was one great honour of'Mofaical,'and is nöw of Evangelical ot- dinantes, to be fubfervient for the performance of them, as means'which fhall ceafe when'their"endo this neve r. failing chariry,is perfectly attained, 't Cor. They are duties winch we were naturally Obliged to, by that reaforf and understanding which God' gave to man at his firft creation, to- difcernt What was juft and meet for him to do, and to which even Heathens are Rill obliged by the `light' of na- ture, Without any written law, or fupernatttral reve- lation;' Rom. ü.` rq,' lg. Therefore they are called tiatural religion : and the law that requireth them, is called the natural law, and alfo the moral law becaufe the-manners of all men, Infideh as well as Ghriftians'ought to be conformed to it, (and, ifthey had been .fully conformable,- they would not have cotr.e port of eternal happinefs, Matth. V. 19. Luke X. 27,'28.) under the penaltyof the wrath of God for theviolation of it."' This is the true morality which God approveth of, confifting in a conformity áßf all our Reborn to the moral law'. '1 And, if thofe that, in there days;'contend fo highly for morality; çio underftand no other than' this, I dare join with 'them in afferting, that the heft morally honett mart is tFF:e greatetfaint; and that morality is the princi4 pal part of true religion, 'and' the tefi of all other parts, without which, faith is dead, and all other re- ligious performances are a vain fhew, and mere by- pocrify : fgr-the faithful and true Witnefs hath tef. t hGd, cdncerning the two great moral command"