Marshall - BT765 M37 1788

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T H E GOSPEL MYSTERY o r SANCTIFICATION O P E N E D-ä I N SUNDRY PRACTICAI. DIRECTIONS: Suited efpecially -to the CA s E of thofe who Labour under the GUILT and POWER of INDWELLING SIN. To which is Added, A SERMON ON JUSTIFICATION. E Y Mr. WALTER MARSHALL3 LATE PREACHER OF THE GOSPEL. I Cor. i. 27, 28, 29, 3d, 3t. GM bath chofhn thefool:A things ofthe world, to confound the ^wife; and God hath chof n the weak things of the world, to confound the things which are might', &c. k IL MA RNOC K; PRINTED BY y. WILSON, For J. DUNCAN, J. & M. ItOBERTSON, and J. Sz W. SHAW, L'ookfellers GLASGOW. &I,DCC,LXXXVIII.

,1! 3 P R E F A C E . READER, MR. WALTER MARSHALL, compofer of thefe Di- re5tions, how to attain to that practice and manner of life, which we call holinefs, righteoufnefs or godlinefs, was educated in New College of Oxford, and was a fellow of the Paid college; and afterwards he was chofen a fellow of the college of Winchefler ; but was put under the Bartholomew Bufhel, with near two thoufind more lights (a fin not yet repent- ed of) whofe illuminations made the land a Gofhen. He was efieemed a Prefbyterian ; and was called to be pallor to a people at Gofport in Hampfhire, where he fhined, though he had not the public oil. The fubllance of thefe meditations was there fpun out of his own experiences ; he having been much exercifed with troubled thoughts, and that for many years, and had, by many mortifÿing methods, fought peace of confcience ; but, notwithftan_ding all, his troubles flill increafed. Whereupon he co.nfulted others, particu- larly Mr Baxter, whofe writings he had been much converfant with ; who thereupon told Mr. Maríhall, he took them too legally. He afterwards confûlted an eminent divine,, Dr. T. G. giving .him an account of the 'late of his foul, and particularizing his fins, which lay heavy on his cónfcience ; who, in his reply, told him, he had forgot to mention the greatefl fin of all, the fin of unbelief, in not believing on the Lord jefus for the remiffion of his fins, and fancltifying his nature. Hereupon he let himfelf to the fludying and preaching Chrift, and attained to eminent holinefs, great peace of confcience, and joy in the.I Ioly Ghoft, A2

iv PREFACE. Mr. Marfhail's dying words were thefe, " The wages " of fin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life a' through Jefus Chrift our Lord ;" having but juf , "before faid to thole about him, " That he now died " in the full perfuafron of the truth, and in the corn- " fort of that doarine which he had preached." The fum whereof is contained in the enfuing difcourfe. Sorñe time fnce, he'was tranflated by death, Elijah. like, dropping thefe fheets as his mantle for fitcceeding Elifhas to go forth with, for the converfion of 'inners, and comfort of drooping fouls. Thefe papers are the profound experiences of a flu. bons holy foul, learned óf: the Father, coming from his very heart ; and finell of no partyor defign, but for holinefs and happinefs. Yet it is to be feared, they will fcarcely go down with the heady nationalif}.s of this age, who are of the tribe of Reuben, wavering with every wind of modifh doEtrine ; but in Judah they will be praifed. And we hope that many Shrubs and cedars may hereby advance in knowledge and comfort. But, not to detain you longer, read over all thefe di.' reaions, that you may fully underff.and the author, or read none. If you do it with the ferions humble fpirit in which they were wrote, it may be hoped, (the mat. ter being fn weighty, and from fo able an hand) thro' the grace of God, they will fink into thy confcience, and make thee a foiid Chriftian, full óf faith, holinefs and confolation. JULY 21. 1692. N. N.. HE author of thefe direFtions was well known to me, and was with me in my houfe a month to- gether, above twenty years part ; and .I efleem him a perfon deferving the character which this preface giv- eth him. JULY, 21. 1691. T. WoA.7 co c t<,,

E Recommendatory Preface, Prefixed to the EDITION Printed at ED1 NBu aoI , Anno 17337 T HIS excellent treatife of Mr. MARSHALL'! :ho° it be well known among the godly in ÿ.,yr,, .rid, where it has undergone a twofold edition ;, yc't, t.ïs e being the fir time of its publication in Scotland, where'it is but known to a few, we could not refuse at the defire of thofe concerned in the publication of it among us, to declare, that, as we have perm. the book ourfelves with great edification and-pleafure, fo we know it bath had the high approbation and tefti- mony of many eminent for grace and hr,ii -:efs : and judge the publication of it at this time of day feafonahle among us, for promoting practical religion an..i goc.1i- nefs, and for giving a jolt viewof the vafi. (ids there is betwixt heatbenifh morality, adorned with .,e fneft flourifhes of human rhetoric,. and true gofpel i refs, Without which no man (hall fee the Lord. -s ,:' ' :his our teftimony we judged to be well fupported ny- :1e words of that great and evangelic perfon Mr. 10bert Trail, late Minifter of the gofpel in the city of L_on- don, in his poftfcript to a pamphlet, intitled, A vin- dication of the Protefant doi?rine concerning jaflifrcaticn, and ofits preachers andprofirs, tonz the ofjufI charge el' 4ntinonzianifnz. " I think (fays he) that Dr. Owen's 66 excellent book of Juftification, and Mr. MarfhalI's 4' book of the Myftery of Sanaification by faith in F' Jefus Chrift, are filch vjndicatons and confïrma- Yc dons of the Proteftant doctrine, against which st fear no eff'eaual oppafition.. - --ter. Marfhail was 6G a holy and retired perfon, and is onlyknown to the F6 zzaofk of its by his book lately publifhed. The book

S1 PREFACE tO the EDITION T731. e' is a deep, practical, well jointed difcourfe, and re= " quires a more than ordinary attention in reading of it with profit. And, if it be fingly ufed, I Iook " upon it as one of the moil ufeful books the world " hath feen for many yçars. Its excellence is, that 4' it leads the ferious reader direëtly to Jefus Chri(l, " and cuts the finews and overturns the .foundation ". of the new divinity by the fame argument of gofpel " holinefs, by which many attempt to Overturn the 4' old. And as it hath . already had the feal of high " approbation by many judicious Minifters and Chrif- " tiaras that have read it ; fo I fear not but it will ftand firm as à rock againít all oppofitior , and will prove good feed and food, and light to many here- " after." This teftimony, abitra4ing from human frailties and efca.pes, to which the greatef men are liable while they know-but in part, we homologate by our fubfcriptions. ALEX. HAMILTON at Stirling. ERSXINE g' RALPH ERSKINE 1 at Dunfermlina J. WARDLAW J O. G I B at Cliefh. A.OGILVIE atAberdeen.

v i% a A RECOMMENDATION by the Reverend Mr. ADAM GIB, Minifier of the Gofpei in the Affociate Congregation of Edinburgh, THOUGH the due recommendations foregoing, wherewith thefe following direhions have beers formerly fent abroad, be what h pretend not to add any weight unto by my affent ; there feems not, how- ever, any thing fuperfluous, in applying, unto two forts of perfons, an advice which hash been already given, with refpea to the reading of this book. Among the profeffors of a religious courfe, Ionic do íi11 adhere unto a legal fcheme of holinefs, vainly making it the reafòn of their peace and hope, or, at leaft, of their venturing to found both on Chrift ; and others reconciled unto an evangelical fcheme of ho- linefs, verily making it the refuit of their peace and hope, as already founded on Chriff, freely offered to them in the gofpel. The correction which one of thefe forts, and the in- fcrution in righteoufnefs which both of them need, may be peculiarly gained from this book : and, for thefe purpofes, they are earneftly intreated to perufe it completely, and in the fame order wherein written : fo that the one fort may not, from looking firft into the latter part thereof, throw it afide as Antinomian c nor the other fort, from looking only into the former part, throw it afide as legal. In fine, whereas I have fcarcely ever been acquaint- ed with any practical compofure, of human produce, fo evangelical, in a thread more connect, and a me- thod more exact than this : I equally defpair, that any (hall reap true benefit, in a partial and confufed read- ing ; and lope, that excellent fruit (hall, through the divine bleffing, redound therefrom, unto fuch as may read it otherwife. To proceed thus far in compliance with the inclin ation of fome Gentlemen concerned in this Edition, is prefumed by Edinburgh, Dec. 3 T. ADAM G13 1744*

[ viii 3 To the BOOK.-SELLS SIaR, T gives me no (mall pleaí"tzre to hear, that you are I going to republifh Mr. MARSHALL'S Gofpel Myf1err f Sanciiifzcation *. The inftrui ion, confolation, and fpiritual improvement, which 1 rnyfelf have received from that .folid and judicious treatife, excite in me a pleating hope, that it may be equallyinaruc`tive and ad- vantageous tc others. The recommendation of it in 'theron atid Afpnfro9 with which you propofe to introduce the new edition, is at your fervice. To this propofal I confent the more readily, becaufe Mr. Marshall's book may be looked upon as no improper fupplement to thole dialogues and letters, the author of which intended to have clofed his plan, with a diilertation on practical holi- nefs, or evangelical obedience. But this defign was dropped; partly, on account of his very declining health ; partly, becaufe the work fwelled under his hands far beyond his exxpeaation. He has been advised., once more to refume the pen; and treat that grand fubjet, with fame degree of co- pioufnefs and particularity. If he fliould be enabled to execute, what he acknowledges to be expedient, the dodtrines already difcu{éd, and the privileges al- ready difpiayed, will furnifh the principal materials for his effay. Juftification, free juftification, through the righteoufnefs of _fetus Chrift, is the facred fleece from which he would` fpin his thread, and weave his garment ; agreeable to that important text, re are * It is Paid, by the very belt judge of propriety in facred writings, Great is the rry/iery org9dlitieff, x Tim. iii. 16. 'Phis pallase, I pre- fume, Mr. Marshall had in his view, when he pitched upon a title for his book. And t'.is pafrage will render it fuperior to ail cenfrre; unexceptionally jua and proper.

Mr. HEavEV's recommendatory Letter. bought with a price; therefore glorify God #. If provi- dence, in all things wife, and in all things gracious, fhould fee fit to withhold either time or ability for the accomplifhrnent of my purpofe, I do, by thefe prefents, nominate and depute Mr. Marfhall, to fupply my lack of fervice. Mr. Marfhall exprefl'es my thoughts ; he profecuteS my fcheme ; and not only purfues , the fame end, but proceeds in the fame way. I !hall therefore rejoice in the profpect of having the Gofpel Myflery ofSantification Rand as a fourth volume to Theron and Afpaflo. Might I be allowed, without the charge of irreverence, to ufe the beautiful images of an infpired writer, 1 could with great fatisfa6lion fay, If this be a wall, that will build upon it a palace of ivory : if this be a door, that will inclofe it with boards ofcedar t. Mr. Marfhall reprefents true holinefs as confifling the love of God, and the love of man :-;--that unforc- ed, unfeigned, and molt rational love of God, which arifes from a difcovery of his unfpeakable mercy and infinite kindnefs to us ; that cordial, dìfinterefted, and uriiverfal love of man, which flows from the pof- feffion of a fatisfadory and delightful portion in the LORD JEHOVAH. Thefe duties, of love to our Crea- tor and our fellow-creatures, are regarded as the font and fubftance of the moral law ; as the root £ronn which all other branches ofpure and undefiled reli- gion fpring. Holinefs, thus hated, is confidered, not as the means, but as a part; a diflinguifhed part of our falva.tion ; or rather, as the very central point, in which all the means of grace, and all the ordinances of religion, terminate. Man in a natural hate is abfolutely incapable of pra tiling this holinefs or enjoying this happinefs Ifyou afk what is meant by a natural hate ? It is that 4 ï Cor. vi, 20. f Cant. viii, 9

a Mr. Hativtv's recommendatory Letter. !late, in which we are under the guilt of fin, and tilt curie of the law ; are futjel to the power of Satan, and influenced by evil propenfities.--From this fíate none are releafed, but by being united to' Chrift ; or, as the apoftle fpeaks, by Chrift dwelling in the heart throughfaith °. Faith, according to Mr. Marfhall, is a real perfua- fron, that God is pleafed to give Chrift and his falva- tion ; to gisre him freely without any recommending qualifications, or preparatory conditions ; to give him, not to fàn/e finners only, but to me a firmer in particu- lar. It is likewife an ahlúal receiving of Chris, with all the benefits, privileges, and promifes of the gofpel; in purfuance of the divine gift, and on no other war- rant than the divine grant., This Taft office is par- ticularly infifted on, as an effential part, or as the prin- cipal aâ of faith. To performwhich, there is no ra- tional, no poflible way ; unlefs, as our author declares, we do, in force meafure, perfuade and afire ourfelvesf, that Chrift and his falvation are ours. As faith is filch a perfuafion of the heart, and fuck a reception of Chrift, it affures the foul of falvation by its own ail ; antecedent to all refledlion on its fruits er éffcels, on marks or evidences---It affures the foul of acquittance from guilt, and reconciliation to God ; of a title to the everlafting inheritance, and of grace fufficient for every cafe of need.By the exercife of Eph. iii. 17. t It is not by this expreffion,'affirmed, Or infinuated, that we are able to produce faith, in ourfelves, by any power of our own. This felf-fuffìciency the author has profeflèdly and frequently dif- claimed; airerting, That " the Spirit of God habitually difpofes and inclines our hearts toa right performance of this moft impor- tant aft." ---This_ manner of fpeaking is ufed, f imagine, for two realòns : To point out the firft and chief work, which we are to be doing, iricceffantly and afliduoufly, till our Lord come ; to remind -us, that we inufi not expo£ to have faith wrought in us,'by force fatality of fiipernatural operation, without any application or en- deavour of our own; but that we,mtift make it our diligent endea- vour, and our daily bufinefs, to believe in Chrift. We mull la- bour to enter into this refl, and pew all diligence to attain to thefull af- furance of hope.

Mr. Hn vEV's recommendatory Letter. xi this faith and the enjoyment of thefe blefïings, we are fanaified ; confcience is pacified, and the heart puri- fied; we are delivered from the dominion of fin, pofed to holy tempers, and furnifhed for n holy praaice. Here, I apprehend, our author will appear fin.gufar. This is the place, in which he feems to go quite out of the common road. The 'generality of ferions peuple look upon thefe unfpeakable blefliings as the reward of holinefs; to be received, after we have fincerely prac tifed univerfal holinefs; not as neceffary, previously neceffary, to perform any ad of true holinefs. This is the fumbling block, which our legal minds, dingy with prejudice, and fwollen with pride, will' hardly get over. --However, thefe endowments of our new ftate are, in our author's opinion, the effehual, and the only effethtal expedient, to produce fan&ification.. They are the very method which the eternal Spirit has ordained, for our bringing forth thofe fruits of righteoufnefs, (which are by fetus Chrifi unto theglory and praifi of God *.--Whereas if there be any appearances of virtue, or any efforts of obedience which fpring not from thefe motives and means of praaice, Mr. Marshall treats them as " reprobate filver." He cannot allow them the characer of gofpel-holinefs. This is the plan, and thefe are the leading fenti:- inents of the enfuing treatife. To eRabliíh or defend them, is not my aim. This is attempted, and I think executed, in the work itfelf. My aim is, only to ex- hibit the molt diítinguiíhing principles, in one short (ketch, and clear point of view; that the reader may the more eafily remember them, and by this key enter the more perfectly into the writer's meaning. Let him that is fpiritual t judge ; and reject or admit, as each tenet íhall appear to correfpond or difagree with the infallible word. Only let candour, not rigour, fill the chair ; and interpret an unguarded expretfion, or a feemingly inconfiftent fentence; by the general tenor of the difcourfe. Phil. i. II, t I Coy ii. Ig.

Mr. HEavEv's recommendatory Letter. We are not to expert much pathos of addrefs, or any delicacy of compofition. Here the gofpe! diamond is let, not in gold, but in Heel: not where it may dif play the molt fprightly beam, or pour a flood of bril- liancy ; but where it may do the molt fignal fervice, and afford a fund of ufefulnefs--Neither is this book fo particularly calculated for carelefs infenfible finners, as for thofe who are awakened into a folicitous atten- tion to their everláfting interefis who are carneílly, inquiring, with the Philippian jailor, What jhall I do to to laved* ? or paffionately crying, in the language of the apofile, 0 wretched man that I am! who ,hall deli- ver nie from the body of this death ¡t ? i f there be any fucli, as no doubt there are many, in the Chrifiian world, I would fay with regard to them, as the lfrael- itifh captive faid concerning her illufirious but afflic- ted mafier, Would Cod my mafier were with the prophet that is in Samaria : for he would recover him ofhis leprefy t. O that fuch perfons were acquainted with the doc- trines, and influenced by the direëtions, contained in this treadle ! they would, under the divine bleffìng, recover them from their difirefs, and reftore them to tranquillity ; they would comfirt their hearts, and there- by cflablY12 them in every good 'word and work t, But I am going to anticipate what the following ex- tragt fpeaks. I Mall therefore only add my hearty wifhes, that you may meet with encouragement and fizccefs in the publication of this truly valuable piece. Since there is, in this inflance, an evident conne1tion between your private interefi and the general good ; I think you may promife yourfelf the approbation and acceptance of the public ; as you will affuredly have ;all the fupport and affiftance that can be given by, Sir, Tour humblefervant, Wefon Favel, near Z orthampton, A v. 5. JAMES HERVEY. 1756. Asis xvi. 30. 11 Rom, vii. 24. t z in s V. 3. j z Thef. ii. r7.

Recommendation in Theron andAfpaflo." .f4 It is with great pleafure, and without any diffi- " deuce, that I. refer my readers to Mr. Marfhall's 6,6 treatife on Sanaification. Which I, (hall not re- " commend in the file of a critic, nor like a perfon " of tafle, but with all the fimplicity of the weakeft Chriflian ; I mean, from my OWN experience. It has s'' been made one of the molt ufeful books to my own 6G heart. I fcarce ever fail to receive fpiritual confo, " lation and ftrength from the perufal of it; and was 46 I to be banifhed into forne defolate ifland, poffeffed 6' only of two books befides my Bible, this Should be 66 one of the two, perhaps the firif that I would c1 ufe. 46 Should any perfon, hitherto a flranger to the work, 'e6 purchafe it on this recommendation, 1 muff defire to C6 iuggeft one caution.That he be not furprifed, if,, " in the beginning, he meets with fornething new, 6G and quite out of the common road ; or, if furprif- ' ed, that he would not be offended, but calmly and s' attentively proceed.---He will find the author's de- C6 fign opening itfelf by degrees. He will cifcern more " and more the propriety of his method. And what d' might, at the firft view, appear like a fumbling 66 block, will prove to be a fair and ample avenue---. a' to the place of truth-to the temple of holines--4 4' and the bowers of happinefs." See the third edition of Hçrvey's Theróu and ,Afpafio, vol. rage 336.

Some S.CRCrTutEs explained in this Book. Pgge Gelt ii. 17.---95, 96, 222 Job. i. 5. - - - - 4° Eccl. vii. i6. - 243 -------29. - . 91 Ifa. xxxvii. 3. - - 26o 10, II. iPI _Ter. xXxi. 29, 30. -- 91 Hof. xi. 4. - - - 46 Matth v. Vi. 12, 15. 131 --._-_..-- ix. 14, 17. 243 Xi. 12. - 126 Mark i. 15. 129 Luke xiii 24.. - r---x.5. - John i. 16, 17. - Aas xiii. 33. - - 3oz Rom. i. 5. - r 109 ü. 6, 7. - ib. 193 - 56 57 no---1v. 5. - - - 101 - - 115 ---6. . - . 2 1 8 3, 4. b 61 Rom. viii. 8. 23 -xiii. 14.. i Cox xi. 29. 2 COr. viii. 1 2. -Xi ii. 5. - Eph. i. 3. - Io. - - 13. - -ii. 5, 6. 20, 2I. iv. 22, 24. -^-.---vi. 18. - - Page Tim. i. 8. - - - ---.ii. S. - - - lieb. x. Io, iá, i8. 22. - - -...--xii. 17. - - James ii. 14, 15. 24.. - - - i John i. 3. - - -iii. 9. - - Rev. xxli. 12, 14. I 86 302 88 252 92 91 56 65 172 62 65 87 257 233 262 41 38 207 rio 50 221

T H C O N T E N T S Direction 1. To perform duties required in the latta, ftfi, learn the ejeftual means to attain f great an end, Page i+ Direction II. Four endowments and qualifications necefary: t. An inclination and propenfty o heart thereunto. 2. A perfzafion of our recon- ciliation with God. 3. A perfuafion of our en joynient of everlaßing happinefi. 4. A perfüa- fion of fufficient flrength both to will and per firm. duties acceptably. 23 Direaion III. The way to get thefe endowments to enable for peacftice, is, to receive them from Chrft's fidnef, , by union and fellow/hip. with hinz. 50 Direction IV. The means or infrunzents of this u- nion, and all f Ilowfhip, are, the gofpel, andfaith. Whatfaith is. 66 Direction V. We cannot attain holinef by our en- deavours in a natural Bate, 'without union and f-llowfhip "with Chilli. $; Direction VI. Thofe that endeavour fncere obedi- ence, as the condition to procure a right and title to falvation and as a ground to trufl on Chrjli, do feekfalvation, by the workr ofthe law. 96 Direction VII. We are not to imagine that our hearts and lives nnifi be changed from fn to ho- linef in any meafure, beEre we may trui on Chr 124

Zvi CONTENTS. Direction VÍII. Seek for holinef, only in its due order, after union, jollification,. and the gift of the Holy Ghofl ; and by faith. Page 137 Direbtion IX. We muff firfl receive the comforts of the gofpel, that We may perform the duties, of the law., 143 Direction X.- That we may, `by gofel comforts, per- form duties of the laws, we mull get afcrance in that veryfaith .whereby we receive Chrifl. 1 j 3 DireEtion XI. Believe on Chriß in a right manner (without delay, and then continue and increafe in faith ; that f enjoyment of Chr f , and union and felloaufiip "with him, and all bolinefs by him may be begun, continued and increafed. 184 Direction XII. Diligently ufe faith for perform- ance of the duties of the lww, by 'walking no long- er according to;your oldElateprinciples, or means of pratrice; but only according to that new Elate you receive by faith, and its principles, and means of praflice. 213 Dire6tion XIII. Make a tight ufe ofall means ap- pointed in the word, for obtaining and praflfng holinefi, only in this 'way of believing and walking in Chrijl according toyour newflute. 244: Direstion XIV. That you may thus f ek holinef only by believing and walking in Chr f, take en- couragement from the great advantages of this (way, and the excellent properties of it. 285 The Sermon-nn Juttificat,ion, 299

ir 06SPELMYSTERY SANCTIFICATiON, DIRECTION I. That we may aecepiably perform the Duties ffolinefs and lighteoufnels required in theLaw, our_firfi Work is, t6 learn thepowerful and efi factual Means whereby we May iittain to treat an End EXPLICATION. THIS Direeliimi may ferve, inflead of a Pkefieel; to prepare the underflanding and attention Of the reader for thofe that follow. And, Firlt, It acipainteth you with the great end for whichall thofe means are defigned, that are the pin-, fubjea to be here treated of. The fcope of all is, to teach you how you may attain to that prac- tice and manner of life which we call holinefs, righ- teoufnifs, or godlinefs, Obedienee, true religion ; and which God reqiiireth of us in the law, particu- larly in the moral law, ftimmed up in t e ten com- mandments, and more briefly in thofe two glreat commandments of love to God and our neighbour, Matth xxii. 39. And Mort largely explained throughout the holy Szriptures: My work is, to i©whow tha duties ofthis law may be done, whet&

Ve ©feel-1Gly/1ery biree4.I they are known; therefore expea not that I fhould delay my intent, to help yotï to the knowledge of them, by any large expofition of them ; which is a work Already performed in feveral catechifrns and commentaries. Yet, that you may not mifs themark for want of difcerning it, take nótice,"in few words, that the holinefs which I would bring you to, is fpi- !' ritual, Rom. vii. 14 It conflits not only in external works of piety and charity, but in the holy thoughts, imaginations, and affeaions of the foul, and chiefly in love ; from whence all other good works must flow, or elfe they are not acceptable to God ; not only in refraining the execution of Gnful lulls, but in longing and delighting to do the will of God, and in a chea:ful obedience to God, without repining, fretting, grudging at any duty, as if it were a griev- ous yoke and burden to you. Take notice further, that the law, which is your mark, is exceeding broad, Pfal. cxix. 96, and yet not the more eafy to be hit; becaufe you muff aim to hit it, in every duty of it, with a performance of e. ual breadth, or elfe you cannot hit it at all, Jam. ii. o. The Lord is not at all loved with that love that is due to him as Lord of all, if he be not loved with all our heart, fpirit, and might. We are to love e- very thing in him, his juftice, holinefs, fovereign au- thority, all feeing eye, and all his decrees, commands, judgements and all his doings. We are to love him, not only better than other things, but fingly, as on- ly good, the fountain of all goodnefs; and to reje& all fleíbly and worldly enjoyments, even our own lives, as if we hated them, when they stand in comm petition with our enjoyment of him, or our duty to- ward him. We mutt love him fo as to yield ours (elves wholly up to his conftant fervice in all things, and to his difpofal of us as our abfolute Lord, whe- ther it be for profperity or adverfity, life or death. And, for his fake, we are to love our neighbour, even all men, whether they be friends or foes to us;; and

j3irea. I QfSan5ij zcattes. t9_ fo do to them in all things that concern their honour, life, chaftity, worldly wealth, credit and content, whatever we would that men fnould do to us in the like condition, Matth. vii. 12. This fpiritual univer. fal obedience is the great end, to the attainment whereof I am direEing you. And that you may not reje& mine enterprixe as impu;íiible, obferve, that the molt I promife is no more than an acceptable per- formance of thefe duties of the law, fuch as our gras eious merciful God will certainly delight in-, and be pleafed with, during our ftate of imperfeaion in this world, and fuch as will end in perfection of ho- linefs, and all happinefs in the world to come. Before I proceed further, flay your thoughts a while in the contemplation of the great dignity and excellency of thefe duties of the law, that you may aim at the performance of them, as your end, with fo high an efl:eem, as may cart an amiable luftre upon the enfuing difcovery of the means. ' The prim cipal duties of love to God above all, and to each other for his fake, from whence all the other duties flow, are fo exce, lent, that I cannot imagine any niore noble work for the holy angels in their g'ori- ous fphere. They are the chief works for which we were at Exit framed in the image of God, en- graven upon man at the firft creation, and for which that beautiful image is renewed upon us in our new creation and fau&ification by jefus Chrilt, and Mall be perfeaed in our glorification. They are works which depend not merely on the fovereignty of the will of God, to be commanded or forbidden, or left indifferent, or changed, or abolifhed at his pleafure, as other works that belong either to the judicial or ceremonial law, or to the means of fat- nation prefcribed by the gofpeI ; but they are, in their own nature, holy, juft and good, Rom. vii. 12. and meet for us to perform, becaufe of our natural relation to our Creator anil fellow-creatures, Ls that they have an infeparable dependance upon Cz

241i 77e GofpetMyffery Pireet. Ia the hotine fs cf the will of God, and an indifpenfible eítabliflìment'thereby. They are works fufficient tb render the perfriners holy in all manner of con. tterfation, by the fruits which they'bring forth, if no other duties. had ever been còmmanded; and by which, the performam e of all other duties is fuf 6ciently eftabiifhed as f..on as they are commanded; and without which, there can be no holinefs of heart and life 'imagined ;° and to which, it was one great honour of'Mofaical,'and is nöw of Evangelical ot- dinantes, to be fubfervient for the performance of them, as means'which fhall ceafe when'their"endo this neve r. failing chariry,is perfectly attained, 't Cor. They are duties winch we were naturally Obliged to, by that reaforf and understanding which God' gave to man at his firft creation, to- difcernt What was juft and meet for him to do, and to which even Heathens are Rill obliged by the `light' of na- ture, Without any written law, or fupernatttral reve- lation;' Rom. ü.` rq,' lg. Therefore they are called tiatural religion : and the law that requireth them, is called the natural law, and alfo the moral law becaufe the-manners of all men, Infideh as well as Ghriftians'ought to be conformed to it, (and, ifthey had been .fully conformable,- they would not have cotr.e port of eternal happinefs, Matth. V. 19. Luke X. 27,'28.) under the penaltyof the wrath of God for theviolation of it."' This is the true morality which God approveth of, confifting in a conformity áßf all our Reborn to the moral law'. '1 And, if thofe that, in there days;'contend fo highly for morality; çio underftand no other than' this, I dare join with 'them in afferting, that the heft morally honett mart is tFF:e greatetfaint; and that morality is the princi4 pal part of true religion, 'and' the tefi of all other parts, without which, faith is dead, and all other re- ligious performances are a vain fhew, and mere by- pocrify : fgr-the faithful and true Witnefs hath tef. t hGd, cdncerning the two great moral command"

pireá. T. .arc :atiin. 2r ments of love to God, and our neighbour, that there is none other commandment greater than thefe, and twat on them hang all the law and the prophets, Natth xii 36, 38, 39, 40. Mark xii. 3 i. The fecond thing contained in this introdutlory direction, is the necefiiity of learning the powerful and effeaual means, whereby this great and excel- lent end may be accomplithed, and of making this the firit work to be done, before we can caged Puce cefs in any attempt for the attainment of it. This is an advertiferrent very needful; becaufe many are apt to tkip over the left' n concerning the means (that will fill up this whole treatife) as fuper thous and ufelefs. When once they know the Mature and excellency of the duties of the law, they account nothing wanting but diligent perform- ance ; and they ruth blindly upon immediate prat. tice, making more hafte than good fpeed. They are quick in promifing, Exod. xix. 8. All that the Lord bath jpoken, we will do, without fitting down, and counting the colt. They look upon ho linefs as only the means of an end of eternal fal. $ration ; riot as an end itfelf, requireth any great Means'for'attaining the practice of it. The inquiry of moil, 'When they begin to have a fenfe of reli- tion, is, What good thing 'ball I do, that I may have eternal life P Matth.' xis- 16. not, How (hail T be enabled to do any thing that is good ? Yea many that are accounted powerful preachers, (pend all their z al in theearneft preíring the immediate prac- tine of the law without any difcovery of the efiec. tual means öf performance ; as if the works of righ- teoufnefs were like thofe fertile employments that need no *ill' and artifice at all, but induftry and activity. That you may not Rumble at the thref- hold ofa religious life, by this common overught, I (hall endeavour to make you fenfible, that it is not enough for you to know the matter and reafon of your duty, but that you are alto to learn the power

ä Vhe Colpcl-11íj;fjery Dire&. f. ful and effeetual means of performance, before you can fucce sfu'ly apply yourfelves to immediate prac. Lice. And, for this end, I &hall lay before you the confiderations following. tff, We are all, by nature, void of all ftrength and ability to perform acceptably that holinefs and righteoufnefs which the law requireth, and are dead. in trefpaffes and fins, and children of wrath, by the fin of our firft father Adam, as the Scripture witneffeth, Rom. v. 12 ts, r8, tg. Eph. ii> i, 2, 3a Rom. viii. 7, 8. This doarine of original fin, Which Proteftants generally profefs, is a firm bafis' and ground -work to the affertion now to be proved, and to many other afFertions in this whole difcourfe. If we believe it to be true, we cannot rationally en. courage ourfelves to attempt an holy practice, until the are acquainted with forhe powerful and effeaual means to enable us for h. While man continued upright, in the imz.ze of God, as he was at firft created, Eccl. vii. t 9 Gen. i. 27. he could do the will of God fincerely, as foon as he knew it : but, when he was fallen, he was quickly afraid, becaufe of his nakednefs ; but could not help it at all, until God difeovered tohim the means of reltorätion, Gen. iii. to. r s. Say to a ftrong healthy fervant, Go, and he goeth ; Come, and he cometh ; Do this, and he cloth it ; but a bed ridden fervant mutt know firft how he may be enabled. No doubt the fallen an gels know the necefrity of holinefs, and tremble at the guilt of their fin ; but they know of no means for them tó attain to holinefs effectually, and fo con- tinue frill in their wickednefs, It was in vain for Samfon to fay, IT wit/go out as at other timer before, andJhakemyje(,whenhehad finned away hisftrength, Judges xvi 2o. Men Phew themfelves ftrangely for» getful or hypocritical, in profefliing original fin iii their prayers, catechifms, and confeflions of faith ; and yet urging upon themfelves and others the praç >tice of the law,- without the confideration of any,

Dire t. L Af SaitEli ic'ation. flrengthening, enlivening means ; as if there were no want of ability, but only of anivity. 2dly, Thofe that doubt of or deny the do ring of original fin, may all of them know concerning themfelves (if their confcience be not blind) that the exac`} juflice of God is againft them, and they are under the curie of God, and fentence of death, for their actual fins, if God fhould enter into jttdge. ment with them, Rom. i. 32. ii. 2. and iii. 9. Gal; iii. ta, Is it poffible for a man that knoweth this to be his cafe, and hath not learned any means of getting out of it, to practife the law immediately, to love God and every thing in him, his juftice, ho. linefs and power, as well as his mercy, and to yield himfelf willingly to the difpofal of God, though God thould inflin fudden death upon him ? is there no fkiii or artifice at all required in this cafe, to en- courage the fainting foul to the praEticeof univerfal obedience ? idly, Though Heathens might know much of the work of the law by the common light of natural reafon, and underftanding, Rom. ii. 14. yet the effeaual means of performance cannot be difcovered by that light, and therefore are wholly to be learn- ed by the teaching of fupernatural revelation. For what is our natural light, but fore fparksand glim- merings of that which was in Adam before the fall? and, even then, in its brighteft meridian, it was not fufficient to dire& Adam, how to recover ability to walk holily, if once he fliculd lofe it by fin ; nor to affure him before hand, that God would vouchfafe to him any means of recovery. God had fet no. thing but death before his eyes in cafe of tranfgrefi 'Ions Gen, ii. 17 and therefore he hid himfelf from God, when the thame of his nakednefs appeared, as expecting no favour from him. We are like ïlieep gone affray, and know not which way to re- turn, until we hear the fhepherd's voice. Can thefe dry bones live to God in holinefs ? ® Lords aw°

-44 1%t Go. petMyj{ery ¡lire . L thou knoweft, and we cannot know it, except we learn it of thee. 4thly, Sanetihcation, whereby our hearts and lives are conformed to the law, is a grace of God; communicated to us by means, as well as juftifica tion ; and by means of teaching, and : learning fomething that we cannot fee without the word, Afts xxvi. 17, t8. There are feveral things per- taining to life and godlinefs, that are given through knowledge, z Pet. i. 2, 3. , There, is a form of doarine made ufe of by God, to make people free from fin, and fervants of righteoufnefs, From. vi. 17, 18. And there are feveral pieces of the whole armour of God neceffary to be known and put on, that we may hand againfl fin and Satan in the evil day, Eph, vi 13. Shall we flight and overlook the way of fanctification, when the Iearning the way of jollification, hath been accounted worth fo many elaborate treatifes ? çthly, God bath given in the holy Scriptures, bi hisinfpiration, plentiful inflrueion in righteoufnefs, thatwemaybethoroughlyfurnifbedforeverygoodwork, 2 rim. iii. 16, 17. efpecialty fince the dayfpring from on high hath vífitedus, by the appearance of the Lord Jefus Chrift, to guide our feet in the way of peace, Luke i. 78, 79. If God condefcend to us fo very low, to teach us this way in the Scriptures, and by Chrift, it muft needs be greatly neceirary for uss to fit down at his feet, and learn it, 6thty, The way of attaining to godlinefs is fo far from being known without learning out of the holy Scriptures, that, when it is here plainly revealed, we cannot learn it fo eafily as the duties of the law ; which are known in part by the light of na- ture, and therefore the more eafily of tinted to. It is the way whereby the dead are brought to live unto God ; and therefore doubtlels it is far above all the thoughts and conjeelures of human wifdom. It is tho way to falvations wherein God will de/lroj

iireCt. Iro 0/ Sanfitfication. the wifdomof the wife, and bring tb nothing the undier- fianding the prudent, by difcovering things by his Spirit, that the natural man receiveth not; for they are! o! /hnefs to him, neither can he know them, becaufe they are /piritualiy difcerned, t Cor. i tq 3 t. and ii. t.}. Without controverfy, great is the m fiery ofgodlinefs, r Tim. iii. t{. file learning of it re> siaireth double work; becaufe we mutt unlearn many of our former deeply rooted notions, and become fools, that we may be wire. We múft pray earnettly to the Lord to teach us. as well 'as fearch the Scriptuïes, that we may get this koow- ledge. is O that my. ways',were directed to keep 4' thy ftatutes ! Teach me, OLord, the way of thy 4' ttatures, and I !hall keep it unto the end, Pfalnn 4' CXIX. 5. 33. Teachme to do thy will, Pfaltn cxliii. " to. The Lord direct your hearts into the love of 4' God, z Theis: iii. 5." Surely thefe faints did not fo muchwant teaching and direction concerning the duties of the law to be done, as conct r,ting the way and means whereby they might do them. 7äí/y, The c rtain knowledge of thefe powerful and effeaual means, is of grea;eft importance and necefíìt+y for our eítabliíhment in the true faith, and voiding errors contrary thereunto: for we cannot rationally doubt, that the moral duties of love to God and our neighbour, are absolutely neceffary to trite religion, fo that it cannot fubfift w ithout them, A:d, from this principle we may firmly conclude, that nothing repugnant to the pratice of thefe holy duties, ought to be received as a point of faith delivered to us by the molt holy God ; and that whatfoever is truly necéfiary, powerful and effectual, to bring us to the practice of them, ought to be be- lieved as proceeding from God, becaufe it bath the imageof his Wind's and righteoufnefs engraven up- bn it. This is ä fore tea and touch- (tone, which thofe that aro ferioufly religious will ufe, to try (pirita and their doctrines, whether they be of Gods

4,8 The Cofpel Alger?. Dire}. 1C. or not; and they cannot rationally approve any doc- trine as religious, that is not according to godlinefs, z Tim. vi. 3. By this touch -ftone Chrift proveth his ioarine to be of God, becaufe therein he feeketh the glory of God, John vii. 17, 18. And he teach- eth us to know falfe prophets by their fruits, Matth. is, i6. wherein the fruits which their doarine tendeth unto, are efpecially to be confidered. Hence it appeareth, that, until we know what are the ef- feaual means of holinefs, and what not, we want a neceffary touch-ftone of divine truth, and may be eaft'y deceived by falfe doErine, or brought to live in mere fufpence concerning the truth of any reli- gion, like the feekers. And, if you miftake, and think thofe means to be effeaual that are not, and thofe that are eft f ual to be weak, or of a contrary effe&, your error in this will be a falfe touch-ftone to try other doctrines, whereby you will readily approve of errors, and refute the truth; which hath been a pernicious occalion of many errors in relia gion in late days. Get but a true touch-none, by learning this let%n, and you will be able to try the various doc}rines of Proteftants, Papifts, Arminians, Locinians, Antinomians,Quakers ; and to difcover i the truth, and cleave to t, with much fatisfaEtion to your judgement, amongft all the janglings and controverfies of thefe times. Hereby you may dif- (over whether the Proteftant religion eftablifhed a- mong us, hath in it any finews of Antinornianifm; whether it be guilty of any infufferable defect in practical principles, and deferves to be altered, and turned almoft upftde down, with new doctrines and methods ; as force learned men in late times have judged by their touch - (tones. 8thly, It is alto of great importance and neceffity for our eftablithment in holy practice ; for we can- not apply ourfelves to the practice of holinefs, with hope of fuccefs, except we have Tome faith concern- ing the divine aíhnance; which we have no ground

Birea. I. OfSanfîi, j catfon. to expel, if we ufe not fuch means as God bath appointed to work by. " God meeteth them that remember him in his own ways, Ifaiah lxiv 5. ec and makes a breach upon them that feek him not « after the due order, i Chron. xv. rd." He hath chofen and ordained fuch means of fan(tification and falvation, as are for his own glory, and thofe only he bleffeth to us ; and he crowneth no man that ítriveth, except he flrive lawfully, 2 Tim. ii. 5.4 Experience theweth plentifully, both of Heathens and Chriftians, how pernicious ignorance, or mif taking of thole effeetual means, is to an holy prac- tice. The heathens generally fell (bort of an ac- ceptable performance of thofe duties of the law which they knew, becaufe of their ignorance in this point. (i -) Many Chriftians content themfelves with external performances, becaufe they never knew how they might attain to fpiritual fervice. (2.) And many reject the way of holinefs as au- Pere and unpleafant, becaufe they know not how to cut off a right hand, or pluck out a right eve, without intolerable pain ; whereas they would find the ways of wifdonz (if they knew them) to be ways sfp1eajantnefs, andall her paths to be peace, Prov. iii. 17. This occafioneth the putting off repent.. ance from time to time, as an uncouth thing. (3.' Many others fet upon the practice of holinefs with a fervant zeal, and run very fati; but tread not a ftep in the right way; and, finding themfelves fre quently difappointed and overcome by their tufts, they at lait give over the work, and turn to wallow again in the mire : which hath occafioned feveral treatifes, to thew how far a reprobate may go in the way of religion ; whereby many weak faints are difcouraged, accounting that thofe reprobates have gone further than themfelves ; whereas molt of them never knew the right way, nor trode one ftep aright in it; for, few there be that find it, Dliatth. vii. 14. (4.) Some of thofe ignorant aealae D 2

2 ?'he Gof el y/lery. Direa.11 do inhumanely macerate their bodies with falling, and other aufterities, to kill their luß ç; and, when they fee their hilts are (till too hard for them, they fall into defpair, and are driven, by horror of con - fcience, to make way with themfelves wickedly, to the fcandal of religion. Peradventure God may blefs my difcoveryof thepowerful means ofholinefs fo far, as to fave force one or other fro n killing themfelves% And fuch a fruit as this would countervail my la= hour ; though I hope God will enlarge the hearts of many by it, to run with great chearfuìnefs, joy and. thankfgiving, in the ways of his commandments. D I R E C T I O N Ii. 7 Several Endowments and _Quail cations arenec f f try to enable usfor the immediate Praé ice of the Law. Particularly, we mull have an In- clination ezndpropenjity of our Hearts thereun- to ; and therefore we mull be well perfuadedof our Reconciliation with God, and of ourfuture Enjoyment of the everlalling heavenly Happi nefs, andoffùfcient Strength both to will and performallDuties acceptably, until we come tQ the Enjoyment of that Happinfs. EXPLICATION. r- WHOSE means that are next to the attainment Of the great end aimed at, are firft to be dif- covered, that we may learn how to get them by other means, exprefed in the following directions. 'Therefore 1 have named here feveral q.ialifications n ;d endowments that are neceffary to make up that holy frame and Rate of the foul, whereby it furnifhed and enabled to praaife the law immedi- ately; and that not only in the begiuzíiing, but in

rire!. IL CfSanE1ffcations 21, the continuation of that practice. And therefore, note diligently, that thefe endowments mutt con, tinue in us during the prefent life, or elfe our abi, lity for an holy life will be loft; and they mutt be before praCtice, not in any diftance of time, but only as the caufe is before the effect. I do not fay, that I have named particularly all fuch neceflary qualifications ; but this much I dare fay, that he that gaineth thefe, may, by the fame means, gain any other that fhould be ranked with them ; and this is a matter worthy of our ferious confideration; for few underfland that any fpecial endowments are required to furnifh us for an holy praCice, more than for other voluntary aetions. l'he firft Adam had excellent endowments beftowed upon him for an holy praCtice, when he was firft created according to the image of God ; and the fecond Adam had endowments more excellent, to enable him for an harder talk of obedience. And, feeing obedience is grown more difficult, by reafon of the oppofition and temptations that it meeteth with fence the fall of Adam, we that are to be imitators of Chrift, had need have very choice endowments, as Chrift had; at leaft as good, or fomething better than Adam had at firft, as our work is harder than his. What king going to make war aga.infl an. other king, fitteth not downfirft, and confulteth whe, ther he be able, with ten thoufand, to meet him that cometh againf him with twenty thoufand ? And íhall we dare to rufh into battle againft all the pow. ers of darknefs; all worldly terrors and allurements, and our own inbred domineering corruptions, with- out confidering whether we have fufficient fpiritual furniture to fluid in the evil day ? Yet many con- tent themfelves with fuch an ability to will and do their duty, as they would have to be given to men univerfally; whereby they are no better enabled for the fpiritual battle, than the generallity of the world, that lie vanquifhedunder thewickedone; and there-

the Cofpel- 111Very Direc}. N. fore their (landing is not fecured by it. It is a hard matter to find what this univerfalability is, that fo ma. for, of what it confifts, bywhat means it is conveyed to us, and maintained. Bodily agility hath fpirits, nerves, ligaments and bones, to fubfift by; but this fpiritual univerfal ability feemeth to be Erne occult quality, that no fufficient account can be given how it is conveyed, or of what it is con(lituted. That none may deceive them (elves, and mifcarry in their enterprizes for holinefs* by depending on fuch a weak occult quality, I have' here (hewed FOUR ENDOWMENTS, of which a true ability for the pradiice of holinefs, mutt neceffarily be conftituted, and by which it muft fubfift and be maintained ; I intend to Phew afterwards, by what means they are given to us, and whether the incli- nation or propenfity here mentioned be perfect or imperfect. And they are of fuch a myfterious na- ture, that fume who own the neceffity of endow- ments, to frame them for holinefs, are prone to think, that lets than thefe will ferve; and that force of thefe frame us rather for licentioufnefs than ho- linefs, as they are here placed before any aìual per- formance of the moral law ; and that fotne things contrary to them would put us into a better frame for holinefs. Againft all Inch fprmifes, I (hall en- deavour fuch a dernonftration of thefe endowments particularly, as may gain the affent of right reafon; infìfting on them in the fame order wherein I have placed theta in the direction. In the FIRST place, I affert, that an inclination and propenfity of heart to the duties of the law, is neceffary to frame and enable us for the immediate practice of them. And I mean not fuch a blind propenfity as inanimate creatures and brutes have to their natural operations, but fuch an one as is meet for intelligent creatures, whereby they are, by the conduit of reafon, prone and bent to approve and chufe their duty, and averíe to the practice of

ZireFt. II. Of Sanïïf zcatiQM. 31. fin. And therefore I have intimated, that the three other endowments mentioned in the direction, are fubfervient to this as the chief of all, which is fufficient to make it a rational propenfity. This is contrary to thofe, that, out of zeal for obedience, but not according to knowledge, contend fo earne#t ly for free-will as a neceffary and fufficient endow ment to enable us to perform our duty, when once we are convinced of it, and of our obligation to it ; and that extol this endowment, as the great benefit that univerfal redemption hath bleffed all mankind with ; though they confider this 'free-will without any anual inclination to good; yea, they cannot but acknowledge, that, in molt of mankind that have it, it is incumbered with an actual bent and propenfi- ty of the heart altogether to evil. Such a free-will as this is, can never free us from flavery to fin and Satan, and fit us for the praEtice of the law; and therefore is not worthy the pains of thofe that con- tend fo hotly for it. Neither is the will fo free as is neceffary for the practice of holinefs, until it be endued with an inclination and propentit.y thereto; as may appear by the following arguments. Firfi, The duties of:the law are of fuc3a nature, that they cannot poffibly be performed while there is wholly an averfidn of mere indifferency of the heart to the perfortfiance of them, and no good in- clination and propenfity towards the prac`lice of them : becaufe the chief of all the commandments is, to love the Lord with our whole heart, might and foul, to love every thing that is in him, to love his will and all his ways, and to like them as good. And all duties muff be influenced, in their perform- ance, by this love : we muft delight to do the will of God ; it muft be fweeter to us than the honeyor honey-comb, Pfal xl. 8 Job xxiii. 12. Pfal. lxüi. t. cxix 20. and xix. io. And this love, liking, delight, longing, thirfting, fweet relifhing, mutt be continued to the end; and the fire indeliberate'motion of lu:},