Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

82 The Gofpel of the perfonat Types. Gboft himfelf, the heft Interpreter of his own meaning, Gal. 4. 22, 23, 2. (I.) The Differences andProperties ofthe two Covenants are here heldforth. Hagar by the ftrength of Nature hash a Child ; but Sarah by Faith in the Promife, Gal. 4. 23. So Works and Fruits brought forth in a Man's own ftrength, thefe are Legal : If by Faith in Chrift, thefe are Evan- gelical. The firft Covenant-Spirit is aSpirit of bondage, Gal. 4. 24, 25. Bon- dage unto Sin and Death : The fecond Covenant- Spirit is a Spirit of Liberty and Freedom ; not liberty to Sin, but liberty of Spirit in and unto Duty. The firft Covenant-Spirit is a Spirit of Perfecutian, Gal. 4.. 29. the fecond Covenant- Spirit is a Spirit of Love. Let thofe Profeflbrs look to it, and take heed to their Spirits, who have a rigid, a violent, an impofing Spirit towards the People of God, the Children ofthe Promife ; take heed leaft you prove Hagarites, and meer legal Profeífors. (2.) It is true,asAbraham did turnuntoHagar : So a Believer afide that is in the Covenant of Grace, may poffblyturn a/ide in fome particular aaings to a Covenant of Works ; when throe unbelief and neglea of the Promife he aas according to the Law, in his own ftrength ; or in a way of violence, not of love to his Brethren. (3.) But the Bond-woman and her Seed mull be cafe out, Gen. 21. ro. Gal. g.. 3o. Away with the Law of Works as a Covenant, wemuff re- nounce the old Covenant, and get free from the fnares of fuch a Spi- rit. 3. If we confider Abraham as the Head of the Covenant to that Church and People : So he is á Type of Chrift, the Head of the fecond Cove- nant. You know God covenanted with Abraham for his Seed : So he sloth with Chrift for all his Elea. God's Promife to Abraham was to give a Seed to him, and an Inheritance to his Seed, viz. the Land of Canaan, the Land of Promife : So God did promife to JelinChrift, that be fhould fee his Seed, Ifai.'53. io, i r. and to bring them to Heaven, Heb. 2.: ro.-- Jefus Chrift is the true Head of the fecond Covenant, he en- gageth and undertakes for all his Seed : Abraham was but a typical Head thereof. 4. Abraham was a Type ofChrift in regard of his abfolute Obedience to the Will of God ; coming from his own Land, and from his Father's Houle fubmitting to that painful, and, unto carnal Reafon, fhameful and. contemptible Ordinance of Circumcifion ; difmiffing Ifhmael, a thinggrievous to a tender -hearted Parent ; yea, which was yet more, facrificing