Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of theperfonal Types. 91 to his own, and bis own received him not, Joh. t. t r. His own Difciples fometimes. thought; his Doctrines hard fayings; as when he fpake a- gainft Divorces, they thought a Man had better never be "married, than fubmic to fuch a Yoke : And all along how weak and wayward were. they ? But the Scribes, and Pbarifees, like Vannes and'ambres, openly refifted and oppofed his Doarine and Miracles. 3. The Lord's owning and bearing witnefs to him by Miracles, Signs and Wonders, Deut. 34. i o, i r, 12. So to 7efus Chrifl, Aet. 2. 22. a Mars approved of God among you by. Miracles, Wonders andSigns Some note in all about five and forty of them recorded by the four Evange- lifts, andwrought in the three Years and an half of his publick Mini- ftry, viz.. three in his firft Year, nineteen in his fecond Year, and thirteen in his third Year, and ten in his laft half Year, before yudac betrayed him ; betides thofe at his Death, and after his Refurre- aìion. Only there were thefe two differences between Mofes bis Miracles and Chrifi's. I. That Mofes. his Miracles were wrought in Chrifl's Name: But Chrift's Miracles were wrought in his own Name. a. That Mots his» Miracles had more of Terror and Majefty ; Chrift's more of Love and Sweetnefs. Chrift feldom wrought any Miracles for the hurt of his Enemies in a way of Righteous Wrath and Judgment; but ordinarily only for the help both of Friends and Ene- mies : As for inftance. the healing of Malchus his Ear. I remember but two Miracles wrought by Jefus Chrift in a way of Wrath and Punifhment againft his Enemies, the fuffering the Devil to enter into theGadarenes Swine, and caufing his Enemies to fall backward, when they came to apprehend him. All the reft were Miracles of Mercy and. Kindnefs : But by the Hand of Mofes therewere no lefs than ten miraculous Plagues upon Egypt : There were Thunderings and Light- nings at Mount Sinai. The Earth opened her Mouth upon Corab, Da_ than and Abiram, and fwallowed them up quick, with other fuch dreadful and terrible things in Righteoufnefs. TheReafon of this difference was, becaufe Mofes was, the Minifter of theLaw, which is a Voice of Words, and Terror, and Fear, and genders unto Bondage ; but Jefus Chrift is the Minifterand Author of the Gofpe!, `which is Grace. and Peace : Therefore thefe two difffs rent kinds of Difpenfations were attefted with two different kinds of Miracles. But as to the General, the workingofMiracles- by , Mofes, and fo being owned by the Lord, and born witnefsto byhim, hero in there was a Refeinblance and Prefiguration of what was done by Jefus Chrift. 0 z a.. And