Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

XCO The Gofpel of the perflioal Types. 4. And laftly, Mofes was a Type of Chrift in the end and clofe of bis Life, viz. in his Death, Refurreáion and Afcenfton into Heaven. He died willingly, he went up to Mount Nebo, which was a part ofMotint 4barim, and there furrendred up his Soul. So Chrift, No Man taketh itfrom rue, but I lay it down of my Pelf, no Man taketh it from me See doh. io. i S. I have Pöwer to lay it down, and I have Power to take it again. He went to Mount Golgotha, and there gave up his Soul to his Father. Mofes after his Death and Burial rofe again ; buried he was, Deist, 34. 6. and that he rofe again, and afcended into Heaven, may be ga- thered from Matti). 17. For he did appear and talk with Chrift at his Transfiguration, together with Elias. So you know Jefus Chrift rofe again from the Dead, and afcended into Heaven. Thus Mofes was aType of Chrift all along. In his Birth, in his per- fonal Qualifications, in the whole courfe of his Life, his Office, hisSuf- ferings, his Miracles, and finally in his Death, Refurreftion, and Afcen- fton unto Heaven. Bt yet, though there was fuch a full Analog and fo great a Refemblance between them ; yet there was a Difjarity ; Chrift having the Preheminence above Mofes, Neb. 3. 5, 6. Mofes was faithful as a Servant in his Lord's Houfe : But Chrift ass a Son in bis own Houfe Thus much as to Mofes Now for yofhna his Succeffor. That he was a Type appears, becaufe ariawas called by that Name in the Hebrew. And yo¡hua is called Yefus in the Greek, in theNew Teftament, Aet. '7. 45 Heb. 4. 8. that is, a Saviour; though he be but a temporal Saviour: Chrift a fpiritual Saviour, Author of eternal Redemption, Heb. 9. The Analogy appears chiefly in five Things. t. Jothuabrought the People into Canaan after Mofes his Death, which Mofes could not do, being alive : He divided the Land among them; afligning to every one his Portion. So Chrift, brings us toHeaven, which the Law could not do, Rom. 8. 3. And as 7ofhua went in him- felf before them. So Chrift to Heaven, Yoh, i4. I go to prepare a place for you; in my Father's Houfe are many Manfions, Heb. 6. ult. whither the Fore-runner vs entred fer us. And as when fofhua did this, the Claud and Manns ceafed, which bad been in Mofes's Time. Of the Manna's ceaftng it is expreffed, and the time when, Jofh, 5. 12. of the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, that it did ceafe is evident by many Paffages afterwards in the facred He Tory ; but the time when isnot fat down. Probably it might be after Ibey had pafl'ed Gordan, being divided by the Ark, and were on fhoar on