Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. I C) bred at Nazareth, Matth. 2. t, 5, 23. and thence called a Nazaren, or a Nazarite. 2.. There is a fecond Analogy between Cbrift and Samfon in fone fpecial ,Aftions (Ibis Life. As in his Marriage with a Philiftine. And the Text faith, it was of the Lord; therefore force think that his firft Match was not finful ; but that he had a fpecial Difpenfation for it, Yids. 14. 4.. So Chrift took a Spoufe unto himfelfout of the Gentiles, Hof z. 20. At his Marriage Samfonput forth his Mind in Parables and Riddles to the Philiftines, yudg. 14. 12. And fo did Chrift to the Pbarifees, Mattb. i 3. 34. 3. There is a third Analogy, in their Strength and Pillories over their Enemies, efpecially in this circumftance ; That Samfon wrought his Viaories alone, by his own perfonal Strength, his Countrymen would not hand by him, Yudg. 15. to, i I, I2. So Chrift trod the Wine-prefs a- lone, when all forfook him. Samfon's firft exploit was, the flaying of a Lyon in the Defart, that roared uponhim, Yudg. 14. 6. So the firft Work of Chrift at his en- trance into his Miniftry, was the conquering that roaringLyon that afI'aulted and tempted him in the Wildernefs, and roared upon him thofe three hideous Temptations, Mattb. 4. And as upon the Lyon Sarnfon flew, he gave this Riddle ; Out ofthe Eater came forth Meat, and out of the Prong came Sreeetnefs. So ex Cor- pore Diaboli myftico, out of the Devil's Body, being flain, out of the Devil's Deftru&ion comes the fweet and bleWed tidings of the Gofpel ; andFlocks, or Churches, or Societies of Chriftians,like fo many Swarms ofBees. The Saints were once in an unregenerate Condition, Chil- dren of Wrath, Limbs of Satan; but Satan being flain and conquered, theyare transformed ; and it is as great a change, as for a Bee to be bred of a dead Carkafs. Some Interpreters have obferved, that this was extra- Englifh A,inot. ordinary : For Naturalifts obferve, that Bees do not ufe onludg. Ia. 8. to breed in the Carkafs of a Lyon ; but rather ofan Ox or Bullock. We may apply it to the Difpenfations of Providence ;God works by unlikely, yea contrary means ; Meat out of the Eater. The Canaanites, our Enemies, they are Bread for ùs, Numb:14. 9. their ve- ry Sins, Corruptions, Temptations, the Lord in his unfearchable Wif- dom produceth good out of them ; Light out of Darknefs, yea Life out of Death, out ofthe Deathof the Lord ofLife. Moreover, Samfon flew a thoufand Men with the jaw-bone of an Afs, a very weak, unable and unlikely Inftrument to effeft fuch a P Work