Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

104 The Gofpel ofthe perfonalTypes He was a Type in regard of his Death and Sufferings ; yet not in that only, but chiefly ; as being mott peculiar and Cigna' to him, both above other Types, and above other refpe6ls wherein himfelt was a Type : For there were other refpeas alfo, betides this, which I (hall touch upon, and fo come to thisas the main. Sampfon therefore was a Type of Chrift in four refpe&s. I. In regard of fundry Paflàges and Circumftances of his Birth. 2. In Tome fpecial Actions of his Life. 3. In his Strength and Victories over his Enemies. 4. In his Sufferings, and in the Vietorioufnefs of his Sufferings. i. The firft Analogy between Chrift and him is, in fome Paffages a- bout his Birth. The Time of it, when !Tract was under great Oppreffion by the Philiflines, Yudges t 3. I. then Sampfon arofe likea little Sun, as his. Name imports Nutt) Soliculus or Solparvus, from Sbemefh, Sol, and gave them force dawnings of the Day,fome beginnings of Light and Li- berty in that deepNight of Darknefs and Bondage. Anfwerably Ye- fus Cbrift appeared when the yews were under the yokeof the Romans, and both they and the whole World under the fpiritual thraldom of Sin and Satan. The Pagan World overwhelmed in Idolatry and Igno- rance of God ; the Yews degenerated into Formality and a fpirit of Bon- dage : Then did this true Sun of Righteoufnefs arife with healing in his Wings. Samfon's Birth was beyond the ordinary courfe of Nature. And fo was Chrift's : For Samfon's Mother was Barren, the Mother of Chrift a Virgin. Samfon's .Birth was foretold, together with his Office, to his Mother lay an Angel, and confirmed by a Sign. And fo was Chrift's Birth. Samfon's Office was to begin to deliver lfrael from the Philiflines, fudg. 13. 5. Cbrifi's to fave his People from their Sins, Matth. I. 21. The Sign toSamfon's Mother was the Angels appearing again, and afcending in a flameof Eire, fudg. s 3. 2o. The Virgin Mary had the Meffage confirmedalfo by. a Sign, tho' not fo terrible a Sign as this.: But the.Angels acquainting' her with her ConlinElizabeth's Conception, and the Babe leaping in her Womb, and the breaking forth into thofe blefted Exprefïions ; Bleffed art thou among Women, and b'effed is the Fruit of thy Womb, and whence is this, that the Mother of myLord Auld come lentome, Luke P. 36, 42143. Moreover, they were both Nazarites from the Womb. Sampfon by the Law of Naxarites, Numb. 6.2. Chrift by fpecial Santlity fulfilling that Type ; that holy thing tbat (hall be born of thee, . Luke 1. 35. As alto by theplace ofhis Rofidence, being born indeed at Bethlehem, but bred