Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

130 The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. cies a Work to extra& Allegories out of every Scripture- hiftory, as the Popilh Interpreters ufe to do, is not fafe nor becoming a judicious Interpreter. Luther called fuch Allegories Spumam Scripturce, they. Lab. in Gen. 3. beat the Scriptures into Froth by allegorizingall things. fol. 57. Allegorias eff'e vanas fpeculationes, e'r tanquam fpumant facr e Scripturze. And fol. 57. 58. Hoc monuiffe fit fa- tis, ut qui Allegoriis uti vellent, itsutantur quad indicarunt Apofloli, &quit babent fundamenturn certum in ipfa litera fets hifloria, aliequi fret. ut eedifi- cemus fuper fundament= paléam Y fiipulas not arum. Paraus Protogom. Parce admodum Spiritus fanllus 'APolyop C ,. the Holy inGen. El in Gal. Ghoft is fparing in the Buliineis of Allegories. He 4.24. doth not allegorize every Providence ; but fome he God And fo thefe Providences were alfo Ordinances : was plea- fed to fuperinduce the Nature ofan Ordinance worn them. weft. What were thofe typical Providences, which we call occafionai and extraordinary Types : Anfw. They may be referred and dilïributed into two Sorts, Things and Allions. ADiftribution that fome have made ufe of in this Stib- je&, who have not well known where to place it ; but this I take to be the proper Place of it : They are indeed thefe Occafional Types, which are belt diftributed into Things and Allions. r . As to Occafional Typical Things, we may inftance in feven Parti- culars. And I fhall fet them down before you according to the order of time wherein the Lord gave them. T. yacob's Ladder. 2, Mofes's burning Bufh. 3. The Pillar of Cloud andFire. q. Manna, or the Bread that came from Heaven. 5. The Rock that followed them, and Water out of the Rock. 6. The Braten Serpent. And 7. Some have added alfo thofe healing Waters of the Pool of Bey thefda. Thefe were Typical Things. Occafional Typical Allions are fuch, as their coming out ofEgypt, pal- fing through the Red Sea, &c. of which afterward,` We are to fpeak to thefe Occafional Typical Things. Some where- of were given to particular Perfons, as that Vifional Ladderrto Yacob; the burning Bufh was (hewed to Mofes ---others of them were given to the whole People of Ifrael, as the Pillar of Cloud and Fire, and all the reff that were enumerated. I. Yacob's Ladder, which he law at Bethel. This was but an Occa- flonal