Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

x68 -Tile Gofpel ofthe perpetual Types. is confonant to that we have here in the Text, that the Lawbath t Shadow, but not the very Image of the Things tbemfelves. Here be Four Things to be cleared. r. What is meant by the Law. 2. What by thefe future good Things. 3. What by the Shadow which the Law hath, and the very Image of themwhich the Law wanted. 4. What are the particular feveral parts of this Law of Ceremonies, thefe perpetual or everlafling Statutes. Quef . i . What is here meant by the Law i' Anfw. A Law, is a Rule of Aftinggivenby aSuperiour, who bath Autho- rity and Power of commanding, to bis Inferiour : This is the general Na- tare of a Law. God thereforebeing the Suprenhe Lord and abfolute Sovereign over all his Creatures, is the Great Law-giver, fames q.. 12. There is one Lawgiver, who is able tofave, and to defiroy. All thofe to whom God commits Power over others, may be Paid togive Laws to them : Except ordinary Officers in the Church, whom he bath intru- fted no further, but only with the Executionof his Laws, promulgated and recorded by himfelf, by his extraordinary Officers in the written Word. But Magifirates may be faid to be Legillatorsas toCivil Laws; of whom Mofes was the firft that deliveredLaws in Writing to the People under him, which he received from the Mouth of God. Now the Laws delivered by Mofes, are referred in theScripture to three Heads. Moral, Ceremonial, and Yudicial, which are expreffed by. three Words, 7horah or Mitfvah, Chuquim, and Mifhpatim ; which Words are fometimes ufed and put together in the Scripture, to figni- fie thefe three forts of Laws, Deut. 6. r. Mitfvab, Chuquim and Mi(h- patim The fame Words, Deut. 26.17. fee Ezra7. to. Mal. q.. q.. Thorah /fher Tftvithi; the Law which I commanded. The firft fort of Laws, viz. Moral, refpe&s them as Men : the fe. cond, as a Church; the third, as; a Commonwealth. The firít fort, viz. the moral Laws are fill in force and binding unto all Men in all Ages. The third fort, viz. Yudicial Laws are of a mixt Nature, fome being Hedges as it were, and Fences to the Moral Law ; and fome to the Ceremonial, and fo they participate of the Nature of thofe Laws to whole Defence they ferve. The Judicials that ferve to the Defence of theMoral Law, have fome- thing of Moral Equity and Reafon in them, and fo are íäl1 in Force : As that, he that fheds Man's Blood, by Mangall his Blood be fhed : This is a Fence which God bath fet about the fixth Commandment, and fo remains in Force in all Nations, to all Times and Ages unto this Day. But