Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

172 The Gofpel oftheperpetual Types. The Anfwer is, That the Law bath a Shadow of the goo&Things ofthe Gofpel, but not the very Image of the Thing themfelves. There was a mixture in that Difpenfation. You may take the Anfwermore fully in three Propofitions. i. The thing it felf adumbrated and ibadoweá forth in this Law of Ceremonies, vs the future good Things of the Gofpel ; fo that it was indeed a Covenant ofGrace which they were under. 2. The manner of Reprefentation of them was legal, and in the way of a Shadow, not of a full and lively Image : So that it was a kind of legal Gofpel they had in thofe Times. 3. The carnal Yews made it weer Law, by flicking Vide on deb. 4.2. in the Shell and Shadow, and reje&ing the Gofpel, or the Thing it fell that was adumbrated and fhadowed forth unto them. Vfe 2. See the Yuftice of God in the rejeflionof the Yews. For might not Ifrael have underftood ? They did not want a competency of out- ward Means, but they wanted Hearts, Dent. 29. 2, 3, 4. Vfe 3. Encouragement in the Search we are now upon as to the Types ; for it is the Gofpel, and the good Things of the Gofpelthat we look into, when we enquire and fearch into the Types. The Lawhaving a Shadow of them, Vide on Rom. 5. 14. Serra. r. Vfe, pag.77.78. where there are three Rules for the better underfianding of them. To which let me add this as an Appendix to the firft, feek Light fromGod, Pfal. 119. s 8. Open thou mine Eyes, that I may behold wondrous Things out of thy Law. You may fee wondrous Things' indeed, Jefus Chrift and the Gofpel, and many precious Myfteries in this Part of the Law of God this Law of Ceremonies, if God open your Eyes ; but otherwife all will be dark to you. Vfe 4 Encouragement to believe and receive the Gofpel; For it bath been held forth to the Faith of God's People all along, and they have refted upon it, and found Peace. We have it declared in the cleareft way, and indeed every way ; for we reap the Fruit of thofe former Difpenfations: Therefore how (hall we elcape, if after fo many ways of teaching, we do not receive lnftruaion, fee lieb. 2. 3, 4. ° T1-1F;