Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel Preachedunder the Old an heart of ftefh. And 1 will put my fpirit within you, and caufeyore to walk in my ftatutes, andye fhall keep my judgments and do them. This includes the whole frame of Saving Grace, a new difpofition in the Heart, new Principles, new Walkings.: This fticceeds the Old Man, corrupt Nature : This is one great Gofpel Blefling common to them with us. II. A fecond great Blefhng of the Gofpel is Reconciliation and Remijfon of fins, Ifa. 1. 18. Come now and let us reafon together, faith the Lord, though your fins be as fcarlet, they ¡hall be as white as ; though they be red like crimfon, they (hall be as wool!, Jer. 31. 34. I will forgive their iniquities, and I will remember their fins no more. And innumerable more promifes they had of this throughout the Old Teftament. This part of the Gofpel was preached and fhadowed forth to them by all their Sacrifices and Oblations, which are therefore Paid to make atonement for them : It is a Phrafe often ufed in the nine firft Chapters of Leviticus, He that finned, fhall bring fuel; or fucb an Offering : And the Prieft ¡hall make Atonement for him concerning his fin, and it (hall he forgiven him : Levit. 5. 6. He /hall bring his Trefpafs-Offering unto the Lord for the fin which he bath finned, &c. And the Prieft fhall make an Atonement for bim concerning hisfin and ver. 1o. He (hail offer a Burnt- Offering according to the manner, and the Prieft (hall make an Atonement for him for his fin which he had finned, and it ¡hall be forgiven him. Hence it is, that we find the Saints under the Old Teftament, were fo full of Confidence and Holy Boldnefs, in feeking and pleading with God for pardon and forgivenefs of Sin : As we fee in the Pfalms, and. other Scripture- Prayers, what Strong and Eminent A&ings of Faith they had this way..: Which to expect had been a prefumptuous thing, if theyhad had no Prontife to ground their Faith upon : But they had very plentiful Afiurances and Promifes of it in thofe times. And that is a SecondGofpel-blefling revealed and affured to them, as well as tous; the RemijJion of all their Sins. III. Everlafting Life and Salvation in Heaven. This is not a Truth revealed only by the Gofpel, but was well known, clearly revealed, and firm! believed by the Saints of old. They had affurance of this that they should live with God for ever in Glory. When I awake á J ¡hall be fatisfiedwith tby likenefs, Pfal. 17. 15. Thou wilt guide me with thy counfel, and afterwards receiveme toglory, Pfal. 73. 24.. In thypre- fence is fulnefs of joy, and at thy right band there are pleafures for ever- more, Pfal. 16. II. They looked for another Country, whereofCana- an was but a Type and Shadow, as the Apoftle Thews hi this EN- file to the Hebrews, Cap. 1 t. 16. They knew there was an Eternal State