Mather - Houston-Packer Collection BS478 .M3 1705

The Gofpel of the perfonal Types. 53 Chriff, or fomething ofChriff in the NewTeftament. You fee it comes all to one fcope ; and indeed all the Defcriptions that our Divines have giver] of it, are to this effeeî, they are all to the fame fcope with this of the Apoftle ; a Shadow of good things to come. 2. For Rules foryourfurther unelerftanding of them, take thefe four. Rule I. That God is the only Author of the Types. They belong to the fecond Commandment, as matters of Inftitution. Therefore Calvin, excellently and judiciou1ly harmonifing the Books of Mofes, referreth the Ceremonial Laws to the fecond Commandment. There is fomething of Chriff ftamped and ingraven upon them by Divine Inffitution :. They are not weer natural or arbitrary fimilitudes : but they were inftitftedand and fet apart by God for that end, Heb. 9. 8. The Holy Ghoft this fignifying Hence. that Sacramental phrafe and manner of expreflion, That Rock was Chrift, Cor. ro. 4. like that in Exod. u. The Lamb vs the Pafover. As the Church under the New Teftament bath not power to make Sacraments to themselves: So they of old could not make Types -Rá 7.4.3 The Types whichyou made to worfhip them, Tùs ,,j ús ¡6u7e trayexor. . of All. .5,26. he Tabernacle you hich Mofesmade, as he bada con- tra ver. ßj.4. 11f1`. 7. -- p- pointed. And it feems, by the facred History, that the Jews had fome- thing of the notion of a Type, in their heads in that Invention,_Exod. 32 r. 5. For they fay,Make us Gods that maygo before us and they proclaim an .Holy day ,to Jehovah ; therefore they intended the Ca;lf to and.vifrbie Sign to them of his Pretence. Here arifeth a Quellion. How may we.know - whenathing is a Type, and that the Lard did ordain.and defign it to that end and of -? The Anfwer is. We cannot fafely judge of this but, by. the Scrip- ture, r. When there is exprefs Scripture for it. As Adam here in. the Text is called a.Type of him that ma's to come: So the whole Ceremonial Law is faid to have a Shadow of thegood things to come under the Gospel, Mb. ro. r. The Buildings and holy Places of the earthly Temple are faid to be Figures ofthe true, even of Heaven itfelf, Heb. 9.24... The Land of Canaan, was a Figure of the Country that Abraham and the Fathevs fought for, it is faid, they define a better Country, that is, an heavenly,,.Heb, 3r. 16. 2. When there is a permutationof Names between the. Type and the Antitype, this is a clear Indication of the Mind of God. As for inftance, Chrift is called David, Ezek. 34.. 23. and 37. 24. Hof. 3. 5.. this fhews that Davidwas a Type of him, and Chrift was the true David. So Chrift is called Adam, the osand Adam, Cor. r 5.45.,