Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

.-a--11111MIESE 162 PARADISE LOST. BooK VI: To chafe me hence ? Err not that fo (hall end The ftrife which thou call'if evil, but we ftyle The ftrife of glory : which w. mein to win Or turn this heav'n it fell into the hell Thou fablefl ; here however to dwell free, 1f not to reign : mean while thy utrnoll force (And join him nam'd Almighty to thy aid,) 1 fly not; but have fought thee far and nigh. 295 They ended parle, and both addreft for fight Unfpeakable : for who, though with the tongue Of Angels, can relate, or to what things Liken on earth confpicuous, that may lift Human imagination to fuch height 300 Of Godlike pow'r ? For liket Gods they feem'd, Stood they or mov'd, in ftature, motion, arms, Fit to decide the empire of great heav'n. Now wav'd their fiery fwords, and in the air Made horrid circles ; two broad funs their fhields 305 Blaz'd oppofite, while expectation flood In horror : from each hand with fpeed retir'd, Where erft was thickeft fight, th' angelic throng ; And left large field, unfafe within the wind Of fuch commotion : fuch as (to let forth 310 Great things by fmall) if nature's concord broke, Among the conaellations war were fprung, Two planets rufhing from afpect malign Of fierceft oppofition, in mid-fey, Should combat, and their jarring fpheres confound. Together both, with next t' Almighty arm 316 Up-lifted imminent, one Aroke they airn'd That might determine, and not need repeat, (As not of pow'r, at once) nor odds appear'd In might or fwift prevention : but the fword 320 Of Michael from the armory of God 290 Was