Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

1? A R D S ,E, L S T: BOOK . IL Befides what hope the never-ending flight CY:future days may bring, what chance, what change 'Worth waiting, fince our prefent lot appears For happy though but ill, for ill not worft, if we procure not to our felvcs more woe. 225 Thus Belial with words cloath'd in reafon's garb Counierd ignoble eafe, and peaceful floth, Not peace: and after him thus Mammon fpake. Either to dilinthrone the King of heav'a We war, if war be bell, or to regain 230 Our own right loll : him to unthrone we then May hope, when everlalling Fate fhall yield To tickle Chance, and Chaos judge the ftrile : Thi former vain to hope argues as vain the latter: f.:ar what place ,can be for us 235 Within he bound, unlefs heav'n's Lord fupreme over power fuppofe he fhould relent And publith grace to all, on promife made Of new fubkdion : with what eyes could we Stand in his prefence humble, and receive 240 Scrid laws impos'd, to celebrate his throne Wih warbkd hymns, and to his Godhead fing HAlekijahs; while he lordly fits Our envy'd Sov'reign, and his altar breathes Ambrefiat odors, and Ambrofial flowers, 245 Our fervile offerings. This mull be our talk Ju heav'n, this our delight ; how wearifome -Eternity 1TD fpent in worthip paid o whi,,m we hate I let us not then purfue By force impcflible, by leave obtain d 250 -Unacceptable, though in heJv'n, our Rate Or fplcndid vallalage; but rather leek Our own .good from ourielves, and from our own Live