Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

took IL PARADISE LOST. Whate'er his wrath, which he calls juftice, bids, His wrath, which one day will defiroy ye both. a She fpake, and at her words the hellith pelt 735 Forbore ; then thefe to her Satan return'd. So ftrange thy outcy, and thy words fo flrange Thou interpofeft, that my fudden hand Prevented fpares to tell thee yet by deeds 'hat it intends ; till firtt I know of thee, 740 What thing thou art, thus double-forma; and why, In this infernal vale firft met, thou cairn; Me father, and that phanta'in call my fon ; I know thee not, nor ever law till now Sight more deteftable than him, and thee. 745 1" whom thus the portrefs of hell-gate reply'd ; Hail thou forgot me then, and do I feem Now in thine eye fo foul ? once deetri'd fo fair In heav'n, when at th' affembly, and in fight Of all the Seraphim, with thee combin'd 750 In bold confpiracy againil heav'n's Ki All on a fudden milerable pain Surpriz'd thee, dim thine eyes, and dizzy fwum In darknefs ; while thy head flames thick and fait Threw forth ; till on the left fide op'ning wide, 755 Likeft to thee in fhape and count'nance bright Then finning heav'nly fair, a Goddefs Out of thy head I fprung ; amazement leiz'd All th' hoa of heav'n ; back they recoil'd afraid At firft, and call'd me Sin ; and for a fign 760 Portentous held me : but tamillar grown, I pleas'd, and with attraaive graces won The moil averfe, thee chiefly, who full oft (Thy fell in me thy perfect image viewing) .13team'il