More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

THE SIXTH EDITION. V solemn reverence for his coronation oath ; in his uniform desire to promote the good of his people ; in his zeal for the spiritual welfare of the poor, ex- pressed in a sentiment too notorious to require repetition. The fear of God seems to have been supremely his govern.. ingprinciple ; and a deep sense ofhis own awful responsibility, the corresponding result of that principle. If, from a too tenacious hold of an opinion once adopted, he might be chargeable with a political error in a persevering contest with the western continent, yet even then his pertinacity was principle ; ankif he was wrong, it was his judgment which erred, and not his intention : but he knew, even in this case, how to retract gracefully a favour. ite opinion when the event required concession. In a visit he made from Cheltenham to Dean. Tucker, at Glou- cester (who had written strongly in favour of a separation), the king had the candour to say, " Mr. Dean, had A 3