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IN aELIGION. 141 doctrines, but little of holiness ; much of .faith -a disproportioned and unpro ductive faith - but little of repentance.. These grand ingredients, which, when severally coupled together, make up the sum and substance of Christianity,-: these joint essentials, which St. Paul preached invariably, and which by never separating, he preached effectually, are now considered as separate interests, and severed from each other as having no necessary connection. We are very far from the injustice of accusing those who propagate doctrines which are evidently unscriptural, of being themselves unholy. In some of the leading characters we fully believe the contrary to be the case ; but the obvious effect of such doctrines on those 'Oo hear them, is not only to lesson their value for practical preaching, but to lead them to consider personal holiness as making no part of the things which ac-, company salvation. Those who are at all acquainted with