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THE SIXTH EDITION. IX was not forsaken. The hand which in- flicted the blow, mercifullymitigated the pain. His wounded mind was soothed by visionary anticipations of Heavenly happiness. - Might not these fanciful consolations indicate something of the habit of -a mind, accustomed in its brighter hours to the indulgence of pious thoughts ? And " may we not in general venture to observe in vindication of the severer dispensations of the Almighty, that even during the distressful season of alienation of mind, the, hours which are passed without sorrow and without sin, are not, to the sufferer, among ,the most unhappy hours. Notwithstanding the calamities with which it has lately pleased God to afflict . a guilty world, calamities in which Eng- land has had its share, though by no means an equal share, yet the reign of the third George Play be called a bri.,1- liant and glorious period. Independently of the splendor of our geographical dis- coveries, our eastern acquisitions, and A 5