More - PR3605 .M6 M5 1820

ie FOREIGN ASSOCIATION. should cease to vie with the great in ex- pensive dress, and the decorations of high life ; should cease to give their daughters the same useless accomplish- ments, which are carried too far even in the highest station, and in theirs are pre- posterous ; if the instruction we are at length giving to the poor be as conscien- tiously conducted as it is generally adopted, and the art of reading be made the vehicle of true religion ; if a judi- cious correction of our criminal Lode, and a prudent rectification of the de- mands of pauperism, be successfully fol- lowed up ; . if the African slave-trade should be effectually abolished - not in promises, and on paper, but in very deed and act ; if our prisons be made places of reform, instead of increased corrup- tion ; if the young offenders be so in- structed that they come not out as bad as the old, and the old come not out worse than they went in ; if our vener- able universities should fulfil the promise they give of becoming as distinguished for moral discipline and strict religion, as