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36 The HISTORY óf the PURITANS. Chap. IV. queen " but as temporal orders merely ecclefiaflical, without any vain fu- Elizabeth, et P erflition and as rules of decency, diftinEiion, and order, for the rSIM> " time." By the firft of thefe articles, all preachers throughout the nation were difqualified at once ; and by the laft, they fubfcribed, and promifed not to preach or expound the feriptures, without a licence from the bifhop, which was not to be obtained without a promife under hand, of an ab- folute conformity to the ceremonies. Here the commi/inners farely broke through the aft offubmon, by which they are obliged, never to make or execute any canons or congitutions, without the royal agent. But the bi- !hops prefumed upon their intereft with her majefty ; they knew her mind, though fhe refufed, for political reafons, to ratify their adver- tifements, telling them that the oath of canonical obedience was fuf$- dent, to bind the inferior clergy to their duty, without the interpofition of the crown. Life of Par- Parker therefore went on ; and having cited the puritan clergy to Lam- ker, P. r6r.beth, admonifbed Tome, and threatened others : But Grindal withdrew, 216. being naturally averle to methods of feverity, and afraid of a prcemunire: His grace took a great deal of pains to gain him over, and by his argu- ments (lays Strype) brought him to a good refolution. He alto applied to the council for the queen's and their affïftance ; and to the fecretary of Rate, befeeching him to fpirit up the bifhop of London to his duty, which was done accordingly. What pains will fome men take to draw their brethren into a fnare, and force them to be partners in opprefiion and cruelty !. Dr. Hum- Among thofe whom the archbifhop cited before him, were the Reve- phreys and rend Mr. Thomas Sampfon, dean of Chri/i Church, and Dr. Lawrence Hum- Sampfon be- phreys, prefident ofMagdalenCollege, Oxon ; men of high renown through- fore the tom- out the nation, for learning, piety, zeal for the reformation ; and ononers. g' P y' ' exiles for religion in queen Mary's reign. Upon their appearance, the arch- bifhop urged them with the opinions of Bucer andPeter Martyr; but the authority of thefe divines, not being fufficient to remove their fcruples, they were ordered not to depart the city without leave. After long attendance, and many checks from fome of the council for their refra&o- rinefs, they framed a fupplicatory letter in a very elegant but fubmifíive itile, and fent it to the archbifhop, and the reft of the ecclefiaftical com- miflioners, March zoth, " In which they proteft before God, what a " bitter grief it was to them, that there fhould be fuch diffentions about " a cap and furplice, among perlons of the fame faith. They alledge the " ° authorities of St. lAuflin, Socrates, and Theodoret, to Phew that in their " times, there was a variety of rites and obfervances which break not uni- " ty and concord. They befeech the bifhops therefore, if there was any Eellowfhip in Cbri/1, that they would follow the diredtion of St. Paul about