Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. II. The HISTORY of tbe PuRITANS. and J~fus colleges ; and to Pembroke and Clare Hall; who not appearing K. Charles!. according to the fummons, were by a warrant of April 8. ejeCted, to the ~ number of fixty· five. The reafons afllgned for their expulfion were, mn-rejaence, and not returning upon due Jianmons, andfevera/ other political mijdemeanors. 1f the parties ejeCted returned after this, they were Suff. C!er. required not to continue in the univerfity above three days, on pain ofp. xsr, x6o. imprifonment, and confifcation of their goods; their names were put out of the butteries, and the profits of their places referved for their fucceffors. Not one fellow or fludent in 'I'rinity Hall, or Katherine Hall, was turned out, but all f<.!Jeen's-C?I!ege was evacuated. The covenant which was rend March 18. in the churches and chapels Covenant of the town and univedity, and tendered to the inhabitants and foldiers, ,n•t,htende;e1d . a ew~ e was not offered to the whole Ul)IVerfity, but only to fuch of whole dif- univtrjity. affeClion they had fufficient evidence. Arch-bilhop 'Ii!lotjon fays, the lntrod. Suff: greatefl: part of the fellows of King's College were exempted, by the in- Cler. P· rx3. tere11: of Dr. Witchcott,; and no doubt others who had behaved peaceably, obtained the fame favour. Dr. Barwick author of the ff<.!,tere/a Cantahrigienjis, a famous loyalil1:, mentions an oath qf dtjcovery for the univerfity, like that of the oath ex qfficio; but Mr. Fuller the hiflorian, about the year 1653· having requel1:ed an account of this oath from Mr. Ajhe the earl's chaplain, he returned for anfwer, that be remembered no fuch thing. Mr. Fuller adds, that he is upon jufl grounds daily confirmed in Appeal, p. his confidence, that neither the earl of Manchdfer, or any under him by 72· his command or confent, enforced fuch an oath. The whole number ofgraduates expelled the univerfi[y in this and the f!umbers e· following years, by the earl of Manchejler and his commiffioners, includ-~eRedd S fF ing mafl:ers and fellows of colleges, were according to Dr. Walker, near Cl~rr~ P· 1~4: two hundred, befides inferior fcholars, which was fomething more than one half; for the fame author tells us in another place, there were about three hundred fifty-five fellowlhips in.the feveral houfes of the univedity; above one hundred and .fifty kept thetr places, and far the greatel1: part of Suff. Cler. the refl, had deferred their O:ations and fled to the king. There were fix P· 16 3· heads of colleges out of fixteen that complied, (viz.) Dr. Bainbrigge of Chrijl's College, Dr. Eden of 'l'rinity Hall, Dr. Richard Love of Benne! College, Dr. Bro7Rmrigge of Katharine Hall, ejeCted in the year I 645. Dr. Bacbcrojt of Caius College, and Dr. Rainbow of Magdalen College. The ten who were ejetled by the earl of Manchefier, March 13, or fame little time after, with the names of their fuccdfors, are contained in the following table. VoL. II. M Mallers