Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

The HIS T 0 R Y of the PuRITANS. VoL. II. K. Charles I. 1644· ~ Majlers tunl'd out. 1 Colleges. I . I Succeeded by Dr.Jn. Cofins, fronl Dr. Tho. Paike, Dr. Benj. Laney, Dr. Sam. Collins, Dr. Edw. Martin, Dr. Rich. Stern, Dr. Will. Beale, Dr. Tho. Camber, Dr. R. Holdfworth, Dr. Sam. \Varn, Anno 164-5. 1 D r.. Ralph Brownngge, \ Peter Houfe Clare Hall I Pembroke Hall King's college I f<Eeen' sCollege Jefus College St. John's College I <Trinity Hall Eman. College ' Sidney College Kath. Hall ---·-~-·-~---·-.--~-- 1 Dr. Laz. Seaman, I Dr. R. Cudworth, I Mr. Rich. Vines, Dr. Ben. Witchcott, I Mr. H erb. Palmer, Dr. T. Young, . Dr. J. Anowfmith, I Dr. Tho. Hill, Dr. Ant. Tuckney, I Dr. Rich. Min01ull, { Dr. W. Spurfi:ow, j and c!fter7vards, Dr. Lightfoot. ReafonableIt has been objeCled to the proceedings of the commiffioners, that they nefs of it. were not according to the fi:atutes of the univerfity; to which it was re– plied, 'that the nation was in a fi:ate of war; that thefe gentlemen were declared enemies to the proceedings of parliament; that they inf'rilled into their pupils, the unlawfulnefs of refifling the king upon any pre.tence whatfoever, and preached upon thefe fubje<'ls to the people. It was therefore necelfary to take the education of the youth out of their hands, which could not be done any other way at prefent; but in all future eWalker's at-leClions they returned to the fi:atutes--It has been faid further, that tempt. P· it was a great lofs to learning, becaufe thofe who fucceeded were not e114' qual to thofe who were ejeCled. Had this been true, it is no fufficient reafon for keeping them in their places, in a time of war, if they were enemies to the confi:itution and liberties of their country. But the befi: way of determining the quei1ion as to their learning, is by comparing their refpe<'live characters. Charaflm of D~. C?SINS ?a~ been fequefiered .by the parliament in the year ~ 640: , theejeCled for h1s h1gh pnnc1ples, and was rettred to France, where he contmued till the refi:oration, and was then preferred to the rich bil11oprick of DurSulf. Ller. p. h H 1 d f fi k d 68 . am: e was a earne man, o an open ran . an generous temper, and well verfed in the canons councils and fathers. lb. p. 141, Dr. P ASKE lived peaceably and chearfully under the parliament, and was reinlhted in all his livings at the refi:oration, except the mafi:edhip of this_college, which he quitted to his fon. The querela cantab fays, he was