Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. V. 7be HIS T 0 RY of tbe PuRITANS, IIg have already recited the fourteen original articles under the year I 640. K. CharlesI. r 1644. The additional ones were to the following purpo1e. L..o-~, r. " That the archbilhop had endeavoured to dellroy the ufe of par- -'frticles of · d • d b' tmpeachment. " haments, an to mtro uce an ar Jtrary government. Pry 10 , 2 , "That for ten years before the prefent parliament, he had endeavour- Co~p~ H ill:, " ed to advance the council-table, the canons of the church, and the king's of the trial " prerogative above law. . . . . . tab~: Laud,, 3· '' That he had llopt wnts of prohJb1t10n to !lay proceedmgs 3 " in the ecclefiallical courts, when the fame ought to have been " granted. 4· " That he had caofed Sir John Corbet to be committed to the " Fleet for fix months, only for caufing the petition if right to be read "' at the feffions. 5· " T hat judgment having been given in the court of King's . B ench " aga infi M r. B urley, a clergyman of a bad charaCler, for non-reli– " dence, he had cau(ed the judgment to be flayed, faying he would '' never fliffer judgment to pafs upon any clergyman by nihil dicit. . 6. " That large furns of money having been contributed for buying in " impropriations, the arcbbifhop had caufed the feqffments to be over-– " thrown in h is majefiy's Exchequer, and by that means fuppreifed the · " defign. " 7 . " That he had harboured and relieved divers popifh priefis, con-· '' tra.ry to law. 8. " That he had faid at Wd/minjler, there mufl:, be a blow gi– " ven to the church, f~ach as had not been given before it could be " brought to conformity, declaring thereby his intention to alter the true: " protella nt religion efiablifhed in it. 9· " T hat after the diffolution of the lafl: parliament, he had caufed a . " convocation to be held, in which fundry canons were made contra– •• ry to the rights and privileges of parliament, and an illegal oath im- – " pofed upon the clergy, with certain penalties, commonly known by " the et ccetera oath. . 10. " T hat. upon the abrupt dilfolving of the fhort parliament c.c 16 40. he had told the king, he was now alfolved from all rules qp· "government, and at liberty to make uft of extraordinary methods for "Juppty." I omit the charge of the flots commiffioners, becaufe the archbithop pleaded the aCl of oblivion. T he lords ordered the archbilhop to deliver in his anfwer in writing to the Prynne,., abovementioned. articles in three weeks, which he did, taking no notice p. 45· · · I o£