Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

120 The HIS T 0 R Y of the PuRI'n'i\NS, VoL. II. K. Charles I. of the original ones. The trial was put off from time to time, at the ~ requel1 of the prifoner till Sep. 16. when the archbi!hop appearing at the bar, and having, kneeled fame time, was ordered to il:and, and one of the managers for the commons moved the lords, that their articles of im– peachment, with the archbifhop's anfwer might be read; but when the clerk of the houfe had read the articles, there was no anfwer to the ori– ginal ones. Upon which ferj eant Maynard rofe up and obferved, " how " unjufl the archbifhop's complaints of his long imprifonment, and of " the delay of his hearing mufl: be, when in all this time he bad not " put in his anfwer to their original articles, though he had long fince " counfel af!igned him for that purpofe. That it would be abfurd in " them to proceed on the additional articles, when there was no iifue •' joyned on the original ones ; be therefore prayed, that the archbi(bop " might forthwith put in his anfwer to all their article3, and then they " fhould be ready to confirm their charge whenever their lord01ips fhould " appoint." W harton'> The archbifhop fays, the lords looked hard one upon another, as if HJ£\. of they would afk. where the miftake was, he himfelf faying nothing, but abp. raud's .that his anfwer had not been called for. His grace would have em– ;'~~:'· 215 • barraifed them further, by de firing them 1 to hear his counfel, whether ' .the articles were certain and particular enough to receive an anfwer. He moved likewife, that if he muft put in a new anfwer, hisformer might be taken off the file; and that they would pleafe to diflinguifh which articles were treafon, and which mifdemeanor. But the lords rejected all his motions, and ordered him to put in his peremptory anfwer to the o– i·iginal ar ticles of the commons by the 22d in11ant, which he did according– ly, to this .effect. Abps. an· /wer. " As to the I 3th article, concerning the troubles in Scotlcmd, and " all actions, attempts, af!iflance, counfel, or device relating thereto, " this defendant pleadeth the late act of oblivion, he being none of '' the perfons excepted by the faid act, nor are any of the offences char- ,, ged upo n this defendant excepted by the faid act. " And as to all the other articles, both original and additional, this " defendant faving to himfelf all advantages of exception to the faid " articles, humbly faith, that he is not guilty of all or any the matters, " by the faid art icles charged, in fuch manner and form as the fame are « by the faid articles charged againfl: him." Order a>zd T he trial was deferred all the month of February, as the arcbbifhop mnh 1 o4 of the infinuate>, becaufe Mr. Prynne was not ready with his witnefit:s. When -· ~