Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

foal! arrive at truth; and if it foal! appear, that in the courfe if this long hijtory, there are any confiderable mijlakes, the worldmay be aJfured, I will take the Jir:ft opportunity to retraCl or amend them ; having no private or party · views, no prqjpeCf if preferment, or other reward .for my labours, than the fatisfaClion if doing fome firvice to truth, and to the religious and civil liberties of mankind; and yet after all, I mujl bejpeak the indul– gence and candor if my readers, whifk thofe, who are fi'!ftb!e if the labour and toil if col!eCfing Jo many materials, and ranging them in their proper order, will readily allow to one, who jincere!y wijhes the prqjperity and wel– fare of all good men, and that the violence and outrage of thve unhappy times, which brought .fuch confujion and mifery both on king and people, may_ never be imitated by the prejent, or any future age. London, Nov. 4· 1735• . ~"-. ~ '\ . ,, '• DA NI EL N E AL. • > ' 1 ~· }. . I . THE xiii