Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

( xiv ) s ,\ . ,( • ,, \_ . . t,·, . ' T H E p F A c E· T 0 THE Fourth Volume of the 0 c T A v o Edition. (7""'H IS volume brings the hiftory of the fufferings of the puritans .L down to its period; for though the proteftant diifenters have fince complained if Jeveral dijficulties and diftouragements, yet mqft if the penal laws have been jitjpended; tbe prrfecutions l!f the fpiritual courts have been co1Y,derably reflrained by the kind interpqfition if the civil powers, and liberty if confcience enjoyed without the hazard if fines, imprifonments, and other terrors if this world. '!he times now in review were ftormy and boijlerous : Upon the death of king Charles I. the conflitution ~!!as dijjolved: '!he men at the helm had niJ legal authority to change the governft!ent into a commonwealth; the pro– teelorjhip oj' Cromwell was an ufurpa'tion, becaujegrafted only on the mi– litary power; and Jo were a/[ the misfo.apen forms into which the adminijlra– tion was cafi till the re/loration l!f the kzng. In order -to pa.fs a right judg– ,ment upon tbeje extraordinary revolutions, the temper .and circumjlances of ,fbe nation are to be duly conjidered; for tho(e actiom, which in j ome cir– .cum/lances are highly criminal, may in a dilfermt jituation of qtfairs be– .come neceflary. 'Ihe parties engaged in the civil wars were yet living, and tbeir r-efentments agai1!fl each otber fo much enjlamed, as to cttt qfj' all hopes if a reconciliation ; each dreaded the otber's fuCC!js, well knowing .they mr.t/l fall a facrijice to thrfe wbo jhould prevail. All prifent views 'of' tbe king's recovering his father's throne, were defeated at the battle of Worcefrer, the loyalifis being then entirely brokm and difperferl.; fo that if