Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Chap. V:. The HIS T 0 R Y of the PuRITANS. 1 57 knaves; 1' hope the words are not treafon; nor is it any offence not to be a K. Charles I. perfecu tor, or not to give ill language to jefuits; and I do affirm, that I ~ never perftcutedany orthodox minillers or puritans, though I may have · perjkcuted {ome for their fchifms and mifdemeanors. · As to the king's marrying, 'tis not proved that I had any hand in it, though I acknowledge the duke of Buckingham did me the honour to make me his confelfor. Nor did I conceal the late plot to bring in popery, but difcovered it to the king as foon as I had intelligence of it; for the truth of which I appeal not only to my letters, but to the earl of Nor– thumberland here prefent; who fl:ood up, and faid, he remembered no fucp thing. The commons replied to the arcbbilhop's general defence, that he hacl M reply. been fighting with his own lhadow, for they never objected thofe things·Prynne, p. to him for the purpofes which be mentions ; they never objected his re- 543ducing any from popery, but that many were hardened in it by his means. Nor did they ebj~ct the canons or oath to him guilty of introducing popery, but to quite diffe1ent pu rpofes. So that the archbi.:. i11op in thefe, and the other p<Hticulars abovementioned, has given us a fpecimen of his fophifl:ry and jefuitifm, transforming his own defence into our charge and evidence, and making our objections fl:and as proofs of a fact,. which they were not in the leafl: intended to fu pport, To the particulars they replied, that the titles he had affi1med were pe- 'lahis ajfom– culiar to the papacy; that they were never a!fumed by any proteftant ing papal ti-, archbilhop before himfelf; nay that in th times of oopery there are ~es and hardly any examples of thei r being giving to englzjb bifh~ps, and ! hat it is onaurs. blafphemy to give the title of bolintj's in the abfl:ract, to any but God himfelf; the archbilhop therefore ought, in his anfwers to the le :ters of the.univerfity, to have checked them, whereas he does not (o much as mention thefe exorbitancies, nor find the leafl: fault with them. And though there be a difference between papal title and papal power, yet certainly his cb imi ng the title of alterius orbis papa, pope of the other world , is a demonil. ration that he was grafping at the fame power io Great Britain, as the pcpe had in Italy; and though for prudent rea fons he refufed the ca1 dinal 's hat when it was offered, yet whe n he had made his terms, and acccm!Jliilied that reconciliation between the two churches that he was, no doubt he would have had his reward. Sir Henry Mildma)' bt ing fummoned, at the archbilhop's requell, to give in evidence, how much he was ha ted a:-~d fpoke againfl: at Rome, (wore, that when he was at Rome Jome of the jefuitical faction fp oke againll: the a.rch~ifJ::op •. becau fe t.hey _ayprehended he aimed at too great an· ecclefiafii- :;~nne, P• t1cal JU rlfL11cbon for bnnfelt; but the feculars cornmended and applauded him, becaufe of the near approaches he made to their church, and !hewed