Neal - Houston-Packer Collection BX9333 .N4 1754

Vor.. II. !f.. Charles I. ed himfelf favourable to· their party. The like evidence was given by Mr. ~J Challoner, and others. To hisforbtdAnd whereas the archbifuop had fa id, that it was not pr0ved, th-at he ding to pray forbid minifiers to pray for the •qneen's converfi0n, the man~gers prod~forth~ ced Mr. ·Hugh Ratclijje of St. Martin's Ludgate, who fwore, that S1r 'fv:if,:~.con- 'Natb .. Brmt his vicar gen~ral, at a vititation at Bo'/P ch~1rch, g~ve in dmge Prynne, p. to tbe clergy in his heanng, thefe words, wbereas dzvers qf )'Ott, m your P· 418. -praJers before fermon, ufed to pnay for the queen's converfion, you are to do fo no more, for the queen does r~ot doubt if her converfion. And both belb. p. 444· :fore and after, the archbi!hop himfelf caufed Mr. Bernard, Mr. Peters, .and Mr. Jones, to be profecuted in the high commiffion on this acco~nt. The archbitbop having faid, that he never put his hand to the relealing any priefi out of prifon, the managers produced a warrant under his own hand, dated Jmz. 31. 1633· for the releafe of William Walgrave, de– pofed to be a dangerous feducing priefi, in the.fe words. Church of Rome no true chm·ch. Prynne, p. ssz, l':fc, " TH E SE are to will and command you, to fet at full liberty " the perfon of William Walgrave, fClrmerly committed to your "cuftody, and for you\' fo doing this {hall be your fufiicient warrant. W. Cant. R. Ebor, But the archbiihop's memory frequently failed him on fuch occafions. His grace confeffes the church of Rome to be a true church, whereas we aver her to be a falfe and antichriitian one, for !he has no fure founda– tion, no true head, no ordinances f.'lcraments or wortbip, no true mi– nifhy, nor government of Chrifl:'s infiitution; tbe yields no true fubjec– tion to Chrifl's laws, word, or fpirit, but is overfpread with damnable errors in doCtrine., and corruptions in manners and worfhip, and is •t·here– fore defined by our homilies to be a falfe church. Mufi ihe not err in fun– damentals, when fhe affirms the church to be buil-t on Peter, not upon Chrill-, and refolves our faith into the church, and not into the fcriptures? when tbe deifies the virgin Mary, and other faints, by giving them di– vine wortbip, and obliges us to adore the confecrated bread in the facra– ment as the very body and blood of Chrifi; when the denies the cup to the laity, obliges people to pray in an unknown tongue, and fets up a new head of the church inftead of Chrifl, with the keys of the kingdom of heaven at his girdle? what are thefe but fundamental errors, which nullify the church that maintains them? the religion of the church of Rome and our~ is not one and the fame, for theirs is no chrifiian religion, but