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to the Explanation of the DoErtne, &c. 7 5 one fort of Writings above the other. The things written in the Epiflles proceed from the fame W ifdom, the fame Grace, the fame Love, with the things which he (poke with his own mouth in the days of his flefh, and are of the fame `divine veracity, Authority and Efficacy. The Revelation which he made by his Spirit, is no lefs divine, and immédiate from himfelf, then what he fpoke unto his Difciples on the -Earth. To diftinguifh between thefe things on any of thefe accounts, is intolerable folly. 4. The Writings of the. Evángelifls do not contain the whole of all the InflruElions which the Lord Chrift gave un- to his Difciples perfonally on the Earth. For he was feen of them after his RefurreF,tion forty days, and fooke with them of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, Aá. I. 3. And yet nothing hereof is recorded in their writings, but only tome few occa f onal (¢eech. es. Nor had he given before unto them a clear and diftin& underftanding of thofe things which were delivered concerning his Death and Refurre&tíon in the Old Teftament, as is plainly declared, Luke 24. 25, 26, 27. For it was not neceffary for them in that ftate wherein they were. Wherefore, 5. As to the extent of Divine Revelations ohjeaively; thofe which he granted by his Spirit unto his Apoftles after his Af- cenfion, were beyond thofe which he Perfonally taught them, fo far as they are recorded in the Writings of the Evangelifis. For he told them plainly not long before his death, that he had many things to fay unto them which then they could not bear, Joh. 16. 12. And for the knowledge of thofe things he refers them to the coming of the Spirit to make Revelation of them from himfelf, in the next words; Howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide You into all 7 ruth ; for he pall not f/ieak of himfelf, but whatf ever he (hall hear that (hall he freak, and he will Pew you things to come ; He (hall glorife me, for he (hall receive of mine and thew it unto you, L 2 ver.