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to the Explanation of the Dofirine, &c. 79 teous before him, it will be hard to find any of them affign- ing of it unto any other caufes then the Proteftants do. So it is fallen out, that what they defign to prove, we entirely comply with them in ; but the way and manner whereby they prove it, is made ufe of by the Papifts unto another End, which they intended not. But as to the way and manner of the Declaration of this Do&rine among Protejiants themfelves, there ever was fome variety and Difference in Expreffions. Nor will it otherwifè be whilft the Abilities and Capacities of men, whether in the conceiving of things of this nature, or in the expreffion of their conceptions'are fo various as they are. And it is ac- knowledged that there Differences of late have had by Tome as much weight laid upon them, as the fubftance of the Do trine generally agreed in. Hence fome have compofèd entire Books confifting almoft of nothing, but impertinent Cavils at other Mens Words and Expreflions. But there things pro- ceed from the weaknefs of fome men, and other vitious ha- bits of their minds, and do not belong unto the caufè it fèl£ And fuck Perfons, as for me, (hall write as they do, and fight on until-they are weary. Neither hath the multiplication of Quefrions and the curious difcuffion of them in the handling of this Dotrine, wherein nothing ought to be diligently infiffed on, but what is dire5tive of our pra1fice, been of much ufe unto the Truth it Pelf, though it- hath not been direly oppofed in them. That which is of real Difference anion g Pérfons who agree in the fnbítance of the Doçirine may be reduced unto a very few Heads. As (' i ) There is fòmething of this kind about the nature of Faith whereby we are juftified, with its proper Obje& in Jufifying, and its Life in Juftification. And an In- fiance we have herein, not only of the weaknefs of our In telle&s in the Apprehenfion of fpiritual things, but alto the remainders of confiifion and difòrder in our minds, at l 4