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'to the Explanation of the Doarine, &c. 83 courfe. And becaufe thole by whom this Dofcrine in the fubfrance of it, is of late impugned, derive more from the Socinians then the Paps, and make a nearer approach unto their principles, I (hall chiefly infili on the examination of thole Original Authors, by whom their notions were firít coined, and whole weapons they make ufe of in their de- fence. Eighthly, To dole there previous Dilcourfes, it is worthy our confideration what weight was laid on this Doctrine of JuflifCation at the firfl Reformation, and what Influence it had into the whole work thereof. However the minds of men may be changed as unto fundry Doctrines of Faith among us, yet none can juftly own the name of Proteflant, but he muff highly value the firft Reformation. And they cannot well do otherwife, whole prefent even temporal Ad- vantages are refolved thereinto. However I intend none but fuch as own an efpecial pretence and Guidance of God with them who were eminently and fuccefsfully employed therein. Such perlons cannot but grant that their FP:th in this matter, and the concurrence of their Thoughts about its Importance, are worthy confideration. Now it is known, that the Doctrine of Juftification gave the firft occafion to the whole work of Reformation, and was the main hinge whereon it turned. This thole mentioned declared to be Articular flantis aut cadentis Ecclefe, and that the vindication thereof alone, deferved all the pains that was taken in the whole endeavour of Reformation. But things are now, and that by virtue of their DOCtTine herein, much changed in the World, though it be not fo underftood or acknowledged. In general no small Benefit redounded unto the World by the Reformation, even among them by whom it was not, nor is received, thou 'h many bluffer with contrary pretenfions. For all the Evils which have acciden- tally enfued thereon, anfing molt of them from the'corrupt M 2 Pafilons