BT763 O9 1677

The Nature of 7u. ifying Faith. 145 than Do for Jackson; yet when he bath done all, he gives us a definition of Juftifÿing ìFaith which I know few that will fubfcribe unto ; yet is it in the main (cope of it both pious And found. For he tells us ; Here at length we may define the Faith by which the jufl'do live, to be a firm and confiant Adhe- rence unto the mercies and loving I indnef of the Lord, or gene- rally unto the fjiiritual food exhibited in his Sacred Word, as much better than this Life it felf, and all the Contentments it k capable of grounded on a tafle or relifh of their fweetnef?, wrought in the Soul or Heart of a Man by the fpirit of Chrifl. Where- unto he adds, The terms for the moll part are the Prophet Davids, not metaphorical as fame may fancy, much left' equivo- cal, but proper and homogeneal to the fubjeC defined. Tom. f. Boob, 4. chap. 9. For the lively Scriptural Expreffions of Faith, by receiving of Chrift, leaning on, him, rolling our felves or our burden on him, tatting how gracious the Lord is, and the like, which of late have been reproached, yea blafphemed by many, I may have occafion to fpeak of them afterwards ; as alto to manifeft that they convey a better underftanding of the Nature, Work, and Obje& of Jufti- Lying Faith, unto the minds of men fpiritually enlightened, than the molt accurate Definitions that many pretend un- to ; tome whereof are deftrufive and exclufive of them all. CHAp.