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I46 CHAP. III. The 2Jfe of Faith in Juilification; Its efjiecial Object farther cleared. THe Defeription before given of Juflifying Faith Both fufficiently manifeft of what V fe it is in Juflification. Nor fhall I in general add much unto what may be thence obferved unto that purpofe. But whereas this ZJf of it hath been expreffed with forne variety, and feveral ways of it af- ferted inconfiftent with one another, they mutt be confidered in our paffage. And I (hall do it with all brevity pofíible for there things lead not in any part of the Controver fie about the Nature of Juftification, but are meerly fubferviie.nt unto other Conceptions concerning it. When Men have fixed their Apprehenfions about the principal matters in Contro- vcrfie, they exprefs what concerneth the Vfi of Faith in an Accommodation thereunto. Suppofing fuck to be the Na- ture of Juftification as they affert, it mutt be granted that the Z1 fe of Faith therein, muft be what they plead for. And if what is peculiar unto any in the fubftance of the Doftrine be difproved, they cannot deny but that their Notions about the `Lye of Faith do fall unto the Ground. Thus is it with all who affirm Faith to be either the Znflrument, or the Con- dition, or the Cauf line qua non, or the preparation and dip- Rion of the Subjeft, or a meritorious caufè by way of con decency or congruity, in and of our Juftification. For all there notions of the Life of Faith are fuited and accommo- dated unto the Opinions of Men concerning the nature and principal caufes of Juftification. Neither can any Trial o= Determination be made, as unto. their Truth and Propriety,. but