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2 4 General Confïderataonc previously necefiary they are caft inevitably to ,leek for countenance unto their own Confciences, in the extenuation of fin. So infenfibly are the minds of men diverted from Chrift and reduced to place their confidence in themfelves. Some confuted refpect they have unto him, as a Relief they know not how nor wherein; but they live in that pretended height of humane Wifdom, to trufl to themfelves. So they are inftructed to do by the heft of the Philofophers. Limn bonum eft, qucd beate vite caul & frmamentum eft, tibi fidere. Senec. Epift. 3 i. Hence alfo is the internal fanílifying Grace of God among many equally defpifed with the Imputation of the Righte oufñefs of Chrift. The film of their Faith, and-of their Ar- guments in the confirmation of it, is given by the Learned Romani Oratour and Philofopher. Yrtutem ( faith he) ne- mo unquam Deo acceptam retulit ; nimirum reïl'e. Propter vir- tutetm enim jure laudamur, & in virtute rate gloriamur, quod non contingeret, f donum a Deo, non a nobis haberemus. Tull. de nat. Deor. 4. The oppofition that the Scripture makes between Grace and Works in general, with the Exclu(,;on of the one and the Afrtion of the other in our 7uflification, defeerves a previous confedera- tion. The oppofition intended is not made between Grace and Works or our own Obedience, as unto their Effence, Nature and Confiftency in the order and method of our Sal- vation but only with refpe&t unto our Juftification. I do not defign herein to plead any particular Teftimonies of Scrip- ture, as unto their efpecial fenfe or declaration of the mind of the Holy Ghoft in them, which will afterwards be with fume Diligence enquired into but only to take a view which way the Eye of the Scripture guides our Apprehenfions, and what compliance there is in our own Experience with that Guidance. The Principal feat of this Doctrine,, as will be confeffed by all, is in the Epiflles of Paul unto the Romans and Gala- tians,