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to the Explanation of 't o+ rive, &c. 37 Juftification before God, feeing it will be found thy` they place their own whole Trull and Confidence in the Grace of God by Jefús Chrift alone. För to what purpofe do we la- bour and ftrive with Endlefs Difputations, Arguments and Diftin&ions to prefer our Duties and Obedience unto Come office in our Juftification before God, if when we have done all we find it the fafeft courfe in our own perfons to abhor our f ©Ives with yob in the prefence of God, to betake our (elves unto Soveraign Grace and Mercy with the Publican, and to place all our confidence in them through the Obedience and Blood of Chrift. So died that great Emperour Charles the fifth, as Thstamts gives the account of his Novi f f rma. So he reafoned with him- kW ; Se guidon indigmum efe qui propriis meritis regnum celo- rum obtineret ; fed Domimim Deumfunm qui illnd duplici jure obtineat, . Patris bereditate, & Paffionis merito, altero con - tent2im effe, alterum f bi donare ; ex cujus dono illud (Ibi merito vendicet, hacq; fiducia fretus minime confundatur ; neq; enim oleum mi f ricordiee nilei in vale fiducie poni ; banc hominis ficlu- ciam effe a fedeficientis & innitentis domino Jiro, alioquin pr.;priis meritis ftdere, non(dei efe fed perfidie ; peccata doleri per Dei indulgentiam, ideoq; credere nos debere peccata deleri non pe, fe nu(' ab eo cui foul peccavimus, & in quem peccatitm non cadit, per quem folum nobis peccata condonentur ; That in himfel f le was altogether unworthy to obtain the Kingdom of Heaven by his own Worlds or Merits, but that his Lord God who enjoyed it on a double Right or Title, by inheritance of the Father, and the merit of his own paffion, was contented with the one himfelf, and freely granted unto him the ether ; on while foe grant he laid claim thereunto, and in confidence thereof he fhould not be confounded; for the Oyl of mercy is poured only into the Vefel of Faith or Trull ; that this is the Trufl of a man de- airing in himf, l and ref/ing in his Lord; otherwife to trole unto his own Works or Merits, is not Faith but Treachery ; that ='