Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

The Purpofes ofGodConfdered cAP.111.:4,g. but yet in reference to the things, that are difpofedof, we may call them the 49 Purpofes ofGod: And thefe are the EternállSprings of Gods Aûuall Provi- dence which being(Ratio ordinisadfiné)thedifpofing ofall thingsto their ends in an appointed manner andorder in exa& correfpondenceunto them; thefe Purpofes themfelves tnuft be the InfinitelyWife,Eternall,Immanent Asofhis Will,appointingand determining all Things, Beings,andOpperations,kinds of Beings, mannersof Opperations free, neceffar_y, contingent as to their Exi- ftence, and Event, into an Immediate tendency unto the exaltation ofhis Glory: Or as the Apoftle calles them the Counfellofhis Will, according where- unto he effectually worketh all things. Ephef s. r r. 4. 4; Our confideration of thefe Purpofes of God being only in reference to the Bufineffewhich we have in hand, I Ihall doe thefe two things. r. Firft manifeft, thatthey areall of themAbfolute and Immutable: wherein I!hall be briefe, not going out to the Compafl'e of the Controverfy therea- bout,as I intimatedbefore. My intendment lyes another way. 2. Secondly thew, that God hath Purpofed the continuance ofhis Love to his Saints,. tobring them?, infallibly tohimfelfe: and that this Purpofeof God inparticular, is unchangeable; which isthe fecond partofthe Foundati- onofour Abiding with God in the GraceofAcceptation. By the Purpofes ofGod, I meane (as Ifaîd before)theEternall A&s ofhis 4. 5 Will concerning all things that outwardlyare ofhim, whichare theRule (if I may fo fpeake) of all his following Operations. All external! temporary Produ&s ofhis Power univerfally anfwering thofe internall A&sofhis Will. TheJudgment ofthofe whomake thefe DecreesorPurpofesofGod,(for I Ihall conftantly ufe thefe words promifcuoufly, as being purelyof the fame im- port as relating untoGod ) tobe in themfelves Effentiall tohim, andhis;ve- ryNature or Underftanding and Will, maybe fafely clofed withal!. They are inGOd,aswas fayd,but one:There is not a reali multiplication ofany thing butSubfiflence in the Deity. To us thefe lye under a double Confideration. Firft simply as they are in God, and fo it is impoffible they thould bedif- ferenced from his Infinite Wifdome andWill, whereby hedetermineth ofany thing- Secondly in refpell ofthe Habitude and Relation which they beare to the things Determined, which the Wifdome andWill ofGod might. not have m e.In the firft fence,as was faid,they can be nothing but theverynature ofGod:The velleofGodhisInternall willing ofany thing that is either Crea- ted orIncreated;for thofeTermes difiribute the whole natureofbeings. Created they are not,for they are Eternall;&hat no new immanent A&can pofliblybe afcribed toGod,hath full well oflatebeen demonftrated.)Farther If theyare Created,thenGodwilled that they fhouldbeCreated;forheCreates only what he will: Iffo, was he willing they fhouldbe Created or no ? Ifhewere, then a progreffe will begiven infinitely, for the Queftion will arife up to Eterni- ty. IfIncreated,then doubtlellè they are.Godhimfelfefor he onelyis fo. 'Tin impoffible that a Creature thould be increated. Againe, Gods very willingof things is the caufe ofall things, and therefore muff needs be omnipotent, andGodhimfelfe: that VoluntasDei is Caula reruns, is takenfor granted and may beprooved from P.M. 515. 3. Which the Apoftle afcribes Omnipotencyun- toRorer. g. 19. Who hath refilled his Will? Doubtleffe it is the Property ofGod alone tobe the Caufe()fall things and to be Almighty in his fobeings but hereof at prefent no more. On this fuppofall, the Immutability of theDe- crees ofGod, would plainely becoincident with the Immutabilityofhis Na- turebefore handled. It is then of the Decrees andPurpofes ofGod, with refpe& to the matter aboutwhich they are, whereof' fpeake, in which regard alto they are' Abfo- H lute