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Cn r:111.4:;4.- Interpretation ofRm./L8.2, 8. d9'c, further Explayned, 74 to their refpe&ive Operation)ofevery one ofthem, being equal! to theAc- complifhmentof the PurpofeofGod in and by them all; and willingly owne it; efpecially finding how little is laid (and yet howmuch labou rtaken) to dreffe up apretended Anfwer unto it Of this thereare two parts , whereof the firft is this IAnfwer, faith he. r . Firft,By a demurreupon theformerofthefepleas,which war that the connexi- onbetween the PredelinationofGod mentioned, and his Calling, is uninterrupti. ble. Somewhat doubtfull to me it is, whether aperfon,'who by meanes ofthe Love ofGod, which is in him atprefent,falls under hisDecree of Predefination, may not pobly, before the time appointed byGodfor his Calling, be changed in that hirAffeaion, and confequently paffe from underthat Decree of Prede.flination, andfall under another Decree ofGod oppofite thereunto, and fo never copse to be called. Anf. I confeffe this demurre. outrunnes my underftanding, Equis albis neither can I by any meanes, overtake it, to pinne anytollerable fenceupon it though I would allow it tobe fuited only to M. Goodwin principles, and calculated for the Meridian ofArminianifinerfor,who(I pray)are they,in any fence, (in M. Goodwins)that doe fo love God, as tofall under, ashe fpeakes, that pendulous Decree pfPredeftination, and to whom this promife here is made? Are they not Believers? Are any others Predeftinated in our Authors judgement, but thofe who area&ually fo? is not theDecree ofPredeftinati- on, Gods Decree or Purpofe offaving Believersby Jefus Chrif s' Orcan any loveGod toAcceptation, without Believing? If then they are Believers , can they alter that conditionbefore they are Calleds Wee fuppofed thatFaithhad Rom. 10.17. been by hearing, and hearing by the wordofGod, and that it is ofneceflity(in or- der ofnature) that Calling fhould precede Believing. What are men called to? Is it not to Believe? Here is then a new fort of men difcovered, that believe, and fall from Faith, Love God and forfake him,all antecedently totheir Vo- cation andCalling. I am confident that M. Goodwin may be perfivaded to withdraw this demurrer,or ifnot, that' he will be over-ruled in it, before the judgement feat of all unprejudiced men. It will fcarcely asyet paffe cur- randy, that men are borne Believers, and after Inch and filch a timeof their continuance in that elate ofbeliefe, and being Predeftinated thereupon,God then calls them. Neither doe I underftand the meaning ofthat phrafe, [never come tobecalled] ufed by Him, who maintainsall to be called, but this is but a demurrer. the Anfwerfollowes. 4 34. For the great regard I beare unto the Authors Abilities, I{hall not fay that his infuingDifcourfe doth not deferve tobe tranfcribed, and punctually fted on:but this I may fay (Ihope) without offence, that it isfo long& tedi- ous, fo remotefrom what it pretends unto, towit , an Anfwer to the fore- mentionedArgument, that I dare not venture upon the patienceofany Rea- der, fo farre, as to enter into aparticular confederationofit. The fummeofit is, that there is no unlikelihood in this , that, though one part ofthe Chaim ofDivine Graces before mentioned, cannot be diffolved nor broken, yet another may, ( notwithftandingthat a diffolution ofany one ofthem, renders the defigneofGod in them all, wholly fruftrate and fruit- leffe ) Thishe proves, by propofipg anewferiesofDivine A&s, in a&uall de- pendance oneupon another, fome whereofmay be uninterruptible, but the other not fo. He that (hall but (lightly view the Concatenation of Divine A&s, here propofed by Mr Goodwin,for the illuftration ofthat dependance of them, and theirEfficacy, which we infift upon , will quickly findeit lyable to forne fuchfmall Exceptions, asrenders it altogether ufeleffe, as to the end propofed. Asfirft., I. That