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CA P.111.55:42, 43. z Tim: zdg,Farther vindicated. 82 therein. Evident it was that many ofthem did not Believe the Gofpell; as ïe: vident, that the Promifeof God was made peculiarly to them, to Abraham and his Seed: henceno (mall peplexity arofe , about the Reconciliation of there things; many perplexed thoughtsenfuing on this kerning Contradi&i- on If theGofpell be indeed the wayofGod, what is become of hisfaithful- neffeinhis promifes to Abraham and his Seed, they reje&ing it ? If the Pro- mifes be trueand fiable, what ¡hall we fay to theDoétrire of the Gofpell, which they generally difbelieve and rejeEt ? In this place the Apoflleonly re- jeEtsthe inference, that the faithfulneflè ofGod mufffall, and beofnone ef- feEt, becaufe the Jewes beleivednot; whereofhe givesa full account after- wards, when he exprefly, takes up the obje&ion, and handles it at large, Cap9,1-0,1I. The fumure of theAnfwer he there gives,asa Defenfativeofthe faithfullnef eofGód,with anon obflante to the Infidelity offume oftheJewes,' amountsto no more,nor leffe, then what inhereargued & by us afferted,viz. that notwìthf}anding this (their incredulity and Reje&ion oftheGofpell) theFoundation ofGod flandeth fore; God knoweth who arehis: that the Pro- mile,his Faithfullneffe wherein, (came under Debate,) was not made to all the jaws, but to them that were Chofen according to his Purpofe, as he ex- pt'eI1y difputes it at large beyond all poffibility ofContradi&ion Cap. sr. As Shall afterwards be further argued, andhath in part been already difcove- red.I verily believe never did any man produce a Teflimony more tothe dif- advantage of his owne caufe both in general], and inparticular, then this is to the CaufeMr G000dwinhath in hand. 0. 42. Neither doth he advance one ftep further in theconfirmationofthe fence impofed on the Apoflles words, by comparing them with the words ofthe fame Apoftle v.13. of the fame Chapter, ifwe Believe not, yet he continuer Faithfull,hecannot deny himfelf: wherein againe, contrary to the whole drift ofMr Goodwin Difcourfe, the FaithfullneffeofGod, in the Accomplifhment ofhis Promifes, is afferted tobe wholy independent upon any Qualification whatever, in them, to whom thofe Promifesare made. Though we are un- der Sufferings, Temptations, and Tryalls, very apt tobe raft downe from our Elopeofthe great Things that God hath preparedfor us, and Promifed to us, yet his Purpofe (hall fund however,and our uubeliefe ¡hall not in the leaf] caufehim towithdraw, or not togoe through with his ingagernent to the utmoft: The faithfullneffe of his owne nature requireth it at his hand: He cannot deny himfelfe. 4.43 What remainessea. r Wherein he labours further.to give f}rength unto,or rather more largely to ExplicateWhat he formerly afferted, is built upon a critical] Confideration ofthe word OstAxior, which (without any one example produced from any approoved Author,) we muff believe to fignifiea bond, or inflrumentoffecurity given between men by the way ofContrail. Andwhat then, fuppofe it doe ? Why then contrary to the whole fcope oftheplace, and confiant fignificationoftheword in the Scripture, it mull be interpreted according to the Analogy ofthat fence. Why fo ? Doth it removeanydiffi- culty on the other handDoth it more fuite the Obje&ion for its remobeall, whereuntoit isgiven, that we fhould warpe from the firft, Genuine, Native ufuall fignificationoftheword, to that which is Exotick and Metaphoricall? Yeabut we are enforcedtoembrace this fence, becaufethat here isafealefet to this Foundation, andmen ufe not to fet Sealer to the foundation ofa Muff. And isit required that Allufions Should hold in all prticulars and Circum fiances, even in fuch 'as wherein their teaching property doth not confifi ?- The tearmes ofFoundation, &Sealingare both figurative: neither will either of them abfolutely be fquared to thofe things inNature, wherein they have their