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CAP.11I.4:q.4.. lohn 6.38,39,40. Opened and Argued=. 84 calls him hisServant Ifa.42.1. Beholdmy Servant whom Iuphold, mine Elea in whom nay[Mile delighteth, ihaveput myjjtirit upon him,he(ball bringforth Judg. ment to the Gentiles; He is the Servant of the Father, in the Accomplilhment ofthat work,for whichthe fpirit was put upon him; andv. 19. W a is blind but myfervant, or deafe as my mefénger that Ifent, who is blindas he that is per fed, and blindas the Lords fervant. Godgives him in command to fulfill his will, which accordingly he performes to theutmoff. Againe, theWill ofGod is taken for his Purpofe, hisdefigne, decree, and good pleafure , for thefulfill- ing and Accomplifhmentwhereof, the Lord Chrift came into the world : and this appears tobe the fenceand importanceof the Word in this place ,from the diffinaionwhich is put between the willofthe Father, and any fuchpri- vateWill ofChriff, as theJewes thought he went about to eftablífh ; it was foredefigne of his own , in.oppofition whereunto , he tellsthem, that he came todoe the Will that is to fulfill theCouncell Purpofe, and Defigne of theFather. However,fhould it Principally be taken for the CommandofGod, yet there is, andmuff needs be, an univerfall coincidenceand oneneffe in the objea ofGods Purpofing, and Commanding Will in all commands given unto Chrift: becaufeall of them fhall certainely and infallibly , by him be fulfilled, and fo the thing certainely accomplifhed, which is commanded. What now is thisWill, Purpofe, Ayme, Defigne , and Command of the Father wholeExecution & Accomplifhmentis committed to the Lord Chriff, and which he faithfullyundertakes to performe, (as he was faithfullin all things .to him that appointed him) for the clearing of this let thefe two things beobferved. 1. Who the Perlons are concerning whom this Will of God is: and thofe he defcribes by a doubleCharaller. i. From their Eleaion. the Fathers giving them to him; all which he bath givenme, that is, all his Elea , asour Saviour expounds this very expreífion Yohn 17.16.7hine they wereand thou gavel theretome: Thine they were inEternall defignation, thou having Chof en thetafrom the Foundation of the World, and thou gaveft them tome, for aauall Redemption, to deliver them from every thing that keepesthem at diftance from thee. 2. From their Faith or Believing, which hecalles,feeing theSonne and Believing on bin: v. 4a Theperfons then here defigned, are Elea Belivers, Perlons Chafen, andCalled ofGod. Whatnext then is the Will of God, concerning them ? This alto is let out both in Gene- ralland in tome pariiculas; (1.) In General!, that noneof them be loft?: that by no meaneswhatfoever, by noTemptation of Sathan, Deceitsoffinne, Fury ofoppreffiours,Weakenefe or decayofFaith, they perith andfall away from him. This is the Will, the defigne and Purpofe ofGod; this he gives to Jefus Chrift in command for to accomplifh. (a.) In particular, 1. That theymight have Eternal!Life, v.4o. That they be preferved to the Injoy- ment ofthat Glory whereunto they are defigned, 2. That they may be raifedup at the !all Day,&fo neverbe loft,neither as to their being , nor well- being ofthefetwo,v.4o. EverlaflingLife,is placed before the Refurredion or razeng ofBelievers at the liltDay, plainly intimating, that the Spiritual! Life whereofin this world they are partakers, is alto as to its certaine unin- teruptiblecontinuance, an Everlafling Life, that fhall never be intercepted or cut off; That then which from this Portion of Scripture I Argue is this. God havingPurpofed togive Eternal! Life to his Elea Believers, and that none ofthem lhould ever beloft, and having committed the Accomplifh- ing and perfomanceofthis his Goodwill and Pleafure unto the Lord Jefus, who was Faithful! unto him in all things, and indued with Power, (all Power_from above) for that end, they !hall certainely be Preferved to the end defigned. The favour and Love of God , in Chrift, fhall never be