Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

iì treatedof nor the petfons , for whofe fakes cheifly this labour was undertaken admit ofan accuratè fcholaftical procedure inall parts ofthe Treatife. The do&rine affected , andthe errour oppofed, are the concernmentsofthe common petiple ofChriftianity. eArminianifine is crept into the bodies of fundry congregations and the weaker men are, who entertaine it, the moregrofs and carnal are their notions , andConceptions in,and about it. Pelagiue himfelfe was never fo injurious to the grace of God,asTome amongft us. Now the fouls ofmen , whofe good is fought in this work , are no lets pre- cious in the tight ofGod though they are unacquainted with Philofophical termes, and wayesofar- going,than the foules of the molt learned. Betides , that which weaccount our wifedome , and lear- ning,may,if too rigoroufly attended,beour folly:when we think to fharpenthe reafon oftheScripture, we may firaighten the Efficacy of the fpirit of it. It is oftentimes more effectual in it's own liberty,then when reftrainedto our methodsof arguing.And the weaponsof itkeener in their own foft breathings, thenwhen fharpned in the forge ofAriflotle. There is awayofperfwafion and convi &ion in theScri- prures,that is more divine & fublime, then tobe reduced to any Rules ofArt that men can reach unto. God in his word , inftrut.`ts men to make them wife unto falvarion. Syllogifinesare not ( doubtlefs ) the only wayof making men wifewith humanewifedome , much lefs divine : Some Teftimonies, o. this account,are left at their ownliberty,improved only by Explanation, that they might tote nothing of o*ne ftrength,feeing noother can be added to them: Where the corrupt Philofophy, orfopht- focal arguings , or indeed regular fyllogiftical proceedings of the Adverfaries have rendred a more dole Logical wayofproceeding neceflary , I hope your favourable judgments will notfind caufe to complaineofthe want thereof. Whatever is amifs, what ever is defe&ive,what ever upon any account, cometh fhort ofdefire or expe&ation,as I know none in the world moreable to difcerne,and findout, then your felves,fo therearenone from whom I can expe&,and juftly promife my Idle, amore ear}, 8e candid Cenfure , a more free and general pardon,a more favourable Acceptationof thisendeavour for the fervice oftheTruth ,then from you. Befides that perfonal Amity, and refpeét, whichGod by his providence bath given me ( one altogether unworthy of fuch an allay of common perplexities in hispilgrimage ) with you,and amongftyou,befides that readinefs and ingenuous promptnefs ofmind, untocondefcention and candid reception of laboursin this kind , which your own great worth and abilities furnifhyou withal,exemptingyou,and liftingyou above that Pedautickjeverity,and humour of cenfure,which pof(ethSciolifls & níen corrupted with a defireofemergingin the repute ofothers. You know full well,in what ftreights, under what diverfions, imployments,buiinefs of fundry natures incumbent on me,from the Relations wherein I ftand,intheUniverfity,and on fundry other accounts, this work bath beencarried on. Thetruth is,no (mall portionof it,owes it's rife to Journeyes,and fuch like avocations from myordinary courfeof ftudies,and imployments, withTome (pare !mutes, for the moft part in cinseofabfence, from all books and alisffances ofthat naturewhatever. Not longer to be burthenfome unto you, with things ofno greater concernment, then what may haverefpe& toone everyway fo unworthy as my felfe, what is of the feed which God hathgracioufly fupplyed,I am fure will find acceptance with you ;andwhat is of it's worthlefs Author , or that I have added, I am fully content may beconfumed by thefire, that tryes our worker ofwhat fort they are. My dayly prayer ( Houourtd Brethren ) thall be on your behalfe,that in the dayes, wherein we fee fo many fall from the truth,& oppofeit,on the onehand; agreat indifferencyas to the things ofGod, leading Captivefo many on the other, fo few remaining, made ufeful to God in their generations,by a conjunction ofzeale for the truth, andability untoit's defence,and thofe for themolt part fo clofely engaged in,and their hands fo filled, with the work ofpubliquebefeeching Men tobe reconciled to Godin Chriff,and buildingupof them,who are called in their moft holy faith;You may receivehelpe from a- bove,and encouragement to engage you by all meanes pollible, to fpread abroad a favour of the Gof- pel ofJefas Chrifi,& to labour continually that the truthsofGod, (for whofe defenceyou are patti. cufatly appointed)may not becaft down,nor trampled on under thefeet ofmen ofcorrupt minds,iv- ing in wait todeceive, alluring& beguiling unftable foules,with enticingwords of humane wifedo;:: or any glorious thew and pretence whatever, turning them from thefimpliciryof the Gofpel,and thé truth as it is in Jefusahat you maynot faint,nor waxe weary, notwithfìanding all the oppofition,con- tempt,fcorne,you do,or may meet withal ;norever be turned afide to corrupt Dalliances with errour, and falth000d, as is the manner offome,who yet would be accounted found in the faith ; but keeping dole to the forme ofwholefome words,&anfwering the mould ofGofpel do&rin,whereinto you have been caft,may thine as Lights,in the midaofa crooked and perverfe generation;knowing,that it is but yet a little while, and he that fhall come, will come,;& will not tarry; yeacome Lord Jefus,come&c. So pray es Your unworthy fellow Labourer and Brother in our Beare Lord yefnt: JOHN Ow E N.