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CAP.V.4-6,9. ThePromifes made unto Sinners, through Chria. 114 Promife in the Scripture, both name and thing, inverymanyplaces ftretched p out: Every thingwhatever,that is manifeftative of Grace and goodwill to Sinners,is ofthePromife, though it be not calf intoa Promiffory forme ofex- preflion. Yea whereas ftrittlya Promife refpe&eth that,which is, eitheronly future, and not ofprefent exiftence, or the continuance of that which is yet even exprefiions ofthings formerly done,andofa prefent performance,(fome Individualsto the endofthe World being tobe made anew partakers ofthe Grace, good will, and Mercy in them,) doe belong to the Promife alto, in that Acceptationofit, whichthe Holy Ghoft inmany places leadsunto, and Mica.7.77, which we now infift upon. 58,19. 3. I fay they are made unto 'inners and that as fnners, under no other Osalification whatever: it being by the MercyofthePromife alone, that any men arerelievedout ofthat conditionofbeing (inners, and morally nothing Ephef. 2. 12. elfe. Werenot the Promifes originallymade totanners, therewould never a- xom.3. ,y, ny one be found inanyother ftate or Condition. I know there are Promifes GaI.3.22. made toBelievers, even fuch as are unchangeable, and (hall beare them into the bofome ofGodc but I fay thefe are all confequentiall, and upon fuppofiti- on ofthefrrft and great Promife, whereby Chrift hirnfelfe, and Faith, for his toh..r6. fake is beftowed on them. This runs through them all, as the very tenor of' xom8. them, and methodofGod in them do manifeft, as we (hall fee afterwards.So a cor: r. 3o. theApgftle Gal. 3.22: The scripture bath concludedall underfinne,that thePro- pher.2 5. s mileby Faith ofyefus Chrifl might begiven to them that Believe. All are Phut up under finne, untili the Promife ofSalvation by Jefus Chrift , andFaith in him, cometh infortheir deliverance. The Promife is given to them asPhut up underfinne, which they receive by mixing it with Faith. And Rom: 3. 23. 24. All havefinned andcomefhort of the Glory ofGod, beingjuflijzed freelyby his Grace, through the Redemption that is in Chrifi. Their condition is a con- ditionof finne, andfallingfhort ofthe glory ofGod,when the Promife for Juffi- fication is given unto them, and finds them. Thence the Lord tells us /fat: 54- 8,9. that this Promife ofmercy is like that, which he made about the waters Gen:$.21,22 ofNoah, where is mentioned no condition at all of it , but only the finnes óf men. And in that frate unquefíionably was Adam, when the firft Promife was givenunto him. To fay then, that Gofpell Promifes are made tomen in fuch conditions, and are tobe made good only upon the account of mens a- biding in thecondition, wherein they are when the Promife is made to them; Ephet2. 4,5, is tofay, that for mento leave the fiateoffinne, is the way 'to fruflrate all the 8. Promifes ofGod. All deliverance from a ftateofCaine is by Grace : all Grace is ofPromife: under that condition thenof finnedoth thePromife findmen, and from thence relieve them. 4.I fay,thefe DifcoverierofGodsgoodWill are made through Chrifl,as theonly s só5. 7'20. mediumoftheir Accomplifhment, and onlyprocuring caufe of the good things that flowing from the good will ofGod are enwrapped and tendred in them. And they are faid to be inChrift: as r. Thegreat .Melinger o f the Covenant, as in himwho comes from the Father; becaufe God bath confirmed and rati- fied them all inhim: not in themfelves, butunto us. He hath in him, and by him given Faith and Affuranceofthem all untous, declaring and confirming hisgood Will and Love tous by him: He reveals the Father (as a Father) from hisown Bofome: lob:1.18. declaring hisname,ot Grace untohis. loh: 17 3. 2Cor. 1.20. In whomall the Promifes ofGodare yea , and in himamen, to the, 17.3. Glory o fGodby im. In him, and by his Mediation they have all their Confir- mation, Effablifhment, and.unchangeableneßä u 1t to us. And 2. Becaufe he bath undertaken tobeSurety ofthat Covenant,whereof they are the Promi- fes. Heb:7. 24. He is the suretyofthe Covenant, that is, one whobath underta- ken