Owen - Houston-Packer Collection BT768 .O9 1654

The Controverfy as Bated byMr G. C AP. 1 Q: 2930. in the defcription ofthe feverall parts and branches of it, be more fullyma= 17 nifefted. Now becaufe Mr Goodwin,though he wasnot pleafed to fixe any orderly $$. 29 ftate of the Queftion under debate; (a courfe he hath alto thought good to take inhandling thofe other Heads of the Do&rine ofthe Gofpell, where- in he hath chofen towalke (for the maine with the Arminians) in Paths of difference from the Reformed Churches )yet having fcatterd upand downe his Treatife, what his conceptions areoftheDottrine he doth oppofe, as allo what he afferts in theplace & roome thereof, and Upon what Princi- pies, I Ihall briefly call, what he bath fo delivered, bothon the onehand ,& on the other,to an account : tomake the dearer way for the proofeof the Truth, which indeedweown,and for the difcovery of that which is brought forth to conteft for Acceptance with it , upon the fcore of Truth and ufe- fullnefhe. Firft then, for the Marinedate Saints Perfeverance, how it ftands ftated S. in Mr Goodwins thopghts, andwhat he would have other men apprehend thereof, mayfromHendry places in his Booke, efpecially Cap. 9. be colleCted, and thus fummarily prefented, it is (faith he cap. g. sea. 3.) a promifing unto men, and that with height ofaffiirance; under what loofneffe or vile praélifes fo ever, exemptionandfreedomefrom punifhment : foSett. q.. It is in vaine to per- fwade or preffe men unto the aft o ffachmeaner; in any kiude Whichare in theri- (elves di(j leafing tothem,feeing they are áfcertainedand fecured before hand that theyfha notfailof the endhowever,whether theyufefuch meansOr no:a lofhous;& Fuforceconceit(Sel1. 5.)intoxicating theflefh;with aperfroafon,that it bath Goods layedupfor thedaies ofEternity; Anotion comfortable andbetideingpeace tothe IV: ii (Sea. i g.) in admire ringunto it certaine hope; that itflíall however efcape the wrath and vengeance which k to come;yea thoughit diforteth itfelfe in all manner of loofnefe, and licentioufneffe in the mane time. Aprefumption it it that men (Seel, 18.) mayor(hallinjoy the love ofGodand Salvation itfelfe,under prac`lifesofall manneroffrnne and wickedneffe. Reprefenting God (Sea. 2o.) as aGod, in whofefght he is Good that cloth evil!: promifing his love,favour and ac- ceptance as well unto doggy returning to their vomit, or to fwine Wallowing ("af- ter their wafbing) in the retire (that is to Apoflates which that believers (hill not be , is indeed the Do&rine he oppofeth) asunto Lambs and fheepe. A Dobírine whereby'tispolfible forme certainly to know; that how lolly, höwpro- fanely, how debauchedly foever Ifhould behavemy pile., yet God will lovemeans hedoth the holyef andmoll righteous man under Heaven. - With thefe and the like Expreflions doth Mr Goodwin adorne and Gilde overthat Do&rine,whichhe bathchofen tooppofe:with thefe Garlands&flo wets doth he furround the Head of the Sacrifice, which he intends inftantly to flay, that fo it may fall" anundeplored "Victim, if not feafonably refcued from the handsof this facred Officer. Neither throughhis whole Treatife, do I find it delivered in anyother fence, or held out under any other notion tohis Reader:The Courfe here hehath taken in this cafe, and the paths he walkesin towards his Adverfaries, feeme tobeno other,then that which was tracedout by the Bijhopsat confiance, when they caufed Divells tobepain- tedupon the Cap they put on theHead ofHufs,before they cafe himintothe fire; 1 do fomthing doubt ( though I am not altogether Ignorant, how a- bominably the Tenente acid Opinions of thofe, who firft oppofed the Papacy, are reprefented andgiven over to pofrerity, by their, whofe intereft it was tohave them thought fach, as theygave themout tobe) whether ever any man,that undertooke to publifh hisconceptions to the world, about any opinion, or parcell ofTruthLdebated amongft Profef1ols ofthe Gofpell of D Chrift 3cì: