Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 27 ) itfelf: For how can it otherwifebe, when all Power ofLaw- making , in the prefervation of the Dignity of the Rulers, and Order ofthe Church is taken away. And therefore we fee, it was the Wifdom ofthe Church in former Ages, t ha all the principal Laws andCanons, that they made in their Councils, or otherwife, were dehgned unto the Exaltation and Prefervation of the Dignity of Church Rulers ; Where- fore take this Power away, and youwill bring in all Confu- fion into the Church. Anf. t. They donot in myJudgment,fufficiently think of whom, and ofwhat theyfpeak, who plead after this manner. For the fubflance of the Plea is ; That if the Churchhave its whole Frame,Conflitution ,Order,Rule,andGovernment from thriflalone,though men fhould faithfully difchargetheirDuty, inDoing andObfervingallwhat he hath commanded,there would be nothing in it but Diforder and Confufion: Whether this becomes that Reverence which we ought to have of him, or be fuited unto that Faithfulnefs and Wifdom, which is parti- cularly afcribed unto him, in theConflitution and Ordering of his Church, is not hard to determine, and the Untruth of it alai' be afterwards demonflrated. z. As unto the Dignity and Honour of the Rulers of the Church, the fubjet of fo many Ecclefiaflical Laws, they are in the 6rí1 place, to be defired themfelves, to remember the Example of Chrift himfelf in his Perfbnal Minidry here on Earth. Matth. 20. 28. Even as the Son ofman came not to be miniJlredunto,but to minifler,and togivehis Life a Ranfomfor many. With the Rule prefcribed by him thereon; ver. 25, 26, 27. But Yefus called them unto him, andfaid, ye know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercife Dominion over them, and they that aregreat, exercife Authority upon them. But it fhall not be fo among you ; but whofoever fiall be great a- mong you, let him le your Minifler; And whofòever will be chief among you, let him beyour fervant. With the Otcafi- E z on