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(2ß) on oftheinftruaion given therein intohis Apoftles,., ver. z4, Andwhen the Ten heard it, they were movedwith Indigna:i- on againft the two Brethren. As alfo the Inj!un'tion given them- by the Apoflle `Peter, on whom, for their own Ad- vantage, fome would fallen a Monarchy over the whole Church ; I Fp1fl. 5. z, 3. Feed the Flock of God which is among]ou,' taking the overfight thereof, not by conflraint, but willingly ; not forfilthy Lucre, but .of a ready Mind; Nei- ther as being Lords over God's Heritage ;. but being En(am pies to the Flock. And the blefíed-expreflìons of the Apofto- lical State by Paul ; i Cor. 4. r. Let a manfóaccount of us, as of the Minifiers of Chrifl, andStewards of the Myfteries of Gad. z Cor. r. 24. Not for that we have Dominion over your Faith, but are helpers ofyour joy. z Cor. 4, '. For we preach not our 'felves , but Chrifl Jefirs the Lord, and our (elves your Servants for Jefus fake; It may prepare 'their Minds for the right Mannagement of that Honour which is their due, For (z) There is in,, and by the'Conflitution of Chrift, and his exprefs Laws, an Honour and Refpeet due unto thofeChurch Guides, which ,he hath appointed, abiding in the Duties which he requireth. if men had not been wearyof Apoflolical Simplicity and Humility, if they could have contented themfelves with the Honour and Dignity annexed unto their Office, andWork by Chrift himfeif ; they had never entertained pleating Dreams, of Thrones, Prehe- minencies, Chief Sees, fecular Grandeur and Power, nor framed fo many Laws and Canons about there things, turn- ing the whole Rule of the Church into a Worldly Empire. For fuch it was, that as of all the Popes whichever dwelt at Rome, there was never any pretended or aged a greater Zeal for the Rule and Governníent of the Church, by the Laws and Canons, that it had made or that ;i d, than Gre- gory the 7th; fo if ever there were y Apt- ,hrifl in the World, (as there are. many AntiChrifts) he was one. His Luci-