Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(56) way, Prelatically ordained Bifhops, they may ordain othe rs and fo the fucceflive Or 'ination is preferved. And what is, this but to take the Fzu1e of the Church out of the hand of Chrift; to give Law unto him , to follow with his Appro- bation, the adings of men betides, and contrary to his Law and Iitution , and to make Application of his Promifes unto the vileft of men, whether. he will or no. (7) That pis not lawful for Believers or the Difciples of Chrift to yield Obedience unto his Commands , without this Epif- copal Ordination which many Churches cannot have , and more will not, as judging it againft the Mind and Will of Chrift. (8) That one Worldly, Ignorant, Proud, fenfual Beaft filch as force of the Headsof this fuccefTive Ordina- tion, as the Topes of Rome, have been, fhould have more Power and Authority from Chrift topreferve and continue a Church-State by Ordination , than any the most holy Church in the World, that is, or can be gathered according to his mind ; with other unwarrantable Prefumptions innu- merable. 3. The pernicious confequences that may enfue on this Principle , do manifeft its Inconfiftency with what our Lord Jefus Chrift bath ordained unto this end of the conti- nuation of his Church. I neei not reckon themup on the fureft Probabilities. There is no room left for fears of what may follow hereon , by what hath already clone fo. If we confider whither this fuccefsive Ordination , hath al- ready led a great part of the Church, we may easily judge what it is meet for. It bath I fay, led men , for Instance in the Church of Rome , into a Prefumption of a good Church -State in the lofs of Holinefs and Truth , in the PraFtïce of false Woríhip and Idolatry, in the Perfecution and Slaughter of the faithful Servants of Chrift ; unto a State plainly Antichriftian. To think there should be a Flux and Communication ofHeavenly and Spiritual Power, fròm