Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

( 57 ) from Jefus Chrift and his Apoftles in, and by the hands and Adings ofPerfons ignorant , Simoniacal, Adulterous, Ince- ftuous, Proud, Ambitious, Senfual, prefiding in a Church. State never appointed by him , immerfed in falfe and Ido- latrous Worlhip, perfecuting the true Church of Chrift, wherein was the true fucceflion of ApoJlolical `.Dotlrineand Holinefs is an Imagination for men who embrace the shadows and appearances of things, never once feri- oufly thinking of the true nature of them. In brief, it is in vain to derive a Succeffion whereon the Being of the Church fhould depend, through the prefènce of Chrift with the Bithops of Rome, who for an i co years together, from the year 90o to a loco, were Monfters for Ignorance, Luft, Pride, and Luxury ; as Baroniw acknowledgeth. A. D. 91z. 5.8. Or by the Church of Antioch, by Samofatenus, Eu- doxiw, Gnapheua, Severas, and the like Hereticks: Or in Conflantinople, by Macedonius, Eufebius, Demophilús , An- thorinus, and their Companions : Or at Alexandria ; by Lu- cius, `Diofcurus, IElurus, Sergius, and the reft of the fame fort. 4. The principal Argument whereby this conceit is fully difcarded , mutt be fpoken unto afterwards. And this is- the due confederation of the proper fabled of all Church- Power, unto whom, it is originally, formally and radically given and granted by Jefus Chrift. For none can commu- nicate this Power unto others , but thofe who have recei- ved it themfelves from Chrift , by vertue of his Law and Inflitution. Now this is the whole Church , and not any Perfon in it , or Prelate over it. Look whatever confti- tutes it a Church , that gives it all the Power and Privi- ledge of a Church; for a Church is nothing but a Society of profejfed Believers , enjoying all Church Power and Privi- ledges, by vertue of the Law of Chri17. Unto this Church which is his Spoufe loth the Lord Chrift commit the Keys I of r