Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

1 (70) Lie pretended. (3) As unto that way of the Exercife of cipline fuited unto any other Church-State but that which is Congregational, we fhall confider it afterwards. (q,) What is done in particular Congregations, is not the Ad of any greater Church; as a Diocefan or the like. For whatever as any thing, ads accordingunto what it is; but this of joynt Worfhip and Difcipline in Afëmblies, is not the Ad offuch a Church, according unto what it is ; for fo it is impofîble for it to do any thing of that Nature. But thus it is fallen out. -Some men under the Power of a Tradition that parti- cular Congregations were originallyof a Divine Inftitution, and finding the abfolute neceffity of them, unto the joynt Celebration- of Divine Worfhip, yet finding what an Incon- fiitency with their Intereft, and fome other Opinions which they have imbibed, Mould they HI be acknowledged to be of the Inflitution of Chrifl, feeing thereon the whole ordi- nary Power given by Chrift untohis Church mutt refide in them, they would now have them to be only conveniences for force Ends of Worfhip of their own finding out. Some thing they would have like (brills In,Flitution, but his it !hall not be, which is an Image. z. The very Notation of the f Word lothdeterminethe fenfe of it unto a particular Congregation. Other things may in Churches, as we !hall fee afterwards, both in the Rule and Adminiftration of the Duties of Holy Worfhip, be ordered and difpofed in great variety. But whilft a Church is fuch as that ordinarily, the whole. Body in its Rulers and thofe that arc Ruled, do offerable together in one place, for the Admi- niftration of Gofpel Ordinances, and the Exercifeof Difci- pline, it is Will one finglè Congregation, and can be neither `.Diocefan, Provincial, nor National. So that although theEf- lènce of theChurch Both not confift in actual Affemblies ; yet are they abfolutelynecefl'ary unto its- conflitution in exer- cifè. Hence is the Name ofa Church. "271p the Verb in the Old Tefia-