Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

(71) Testament, is to Congregate, to Afremble, to call and meet together, and nothing ellè. The LXX render it moflly by éxxxna u ce to congregate in a ChurchAfembly ; and fome- times by other Words of the fame importance ; as ovvlvl,u,, avváyw, É71-tovvciyw; fo they do the Noun 5r,p by avvayceyñ, ax ú n r a.; feldom by any other word, but where they do fo, it is always of the fame Signification. Wherefore this Word lignifies nothing but a Congregation which Aflembles for the Ends and Ufes of it,and Ads its Duties and Powers; fo doth ÉxxAno-ia alfo, in the New Teflament. It may be fometimes applied unto that whofe Efience is not denoted thereby, as the Church Catholick invifible, which is only a Myftical Society or Congregation. But wherever it is ufed todenote an outward vifible Society, it doth connote their Affemblies together, in one. It is frequentlyufed for an Atlu- al Afmbly. A&.19.3z,39,4o. which was the fignification of it in all Greek Writers. i Cor. 14. 3, 4. And fometimes it is exprefly affirmed , that it met together in the fame place ; 1 Cor. 14, z3. Wherefore no Society that Both not congre- gate; the whole Bodywhereof doth not meet together, to tl its Powers and Duties, is a Church, or may be fo called, whatever other fort of Bodyor Corporation it may be. In this fenfe is the Word ufed, when thefirfi intimation is is given of an EvangelicalChurch State, withOrder andDii cipline. Matth. 18. 17. ifhe fhall negleti to hear them, tell the Church, sec. There have been fo many contefis about the fenfe of thete Words and the Interpretation of them , foma- ny various and oppoute Opinions about them, and thofe de- bated in filch long and Operous Difcourfes, that forne would take an Argument from thence, that nothingcan be direly proved from them, nor any certain account of the Stateand Duty of the Church be thence colleáied. But nothing canbe infinuated more falfe and abfurd, nor which more directly tended' to the overthrow of the whole Authority of the Scripture. For if when men are feduced by their Interdis oz other-