Owen - BX5085 O84x 1681

The State of thefirfi Churches, &c. 95 their duty, in the Rettauration of their Elders ; and then prefcribes unto themwho were the firft occafion ofSchilm, that every one would fubjed themfelves unto the reilo- red Presbyter; and fay, ¢1u'772.7re9 s7tos6Pk Ct Gro rag. 6ç. Tfs ri9ss,I willdo the things appointedor comman ded by the Multitude, the Church in the generality of its Members. The Plebs, the Multitude, theBody of' thefra- ternity in the Church, Tó .71 6,, as they were often called in the Scripture ; .Act. 4.3a. Chap. 6. a, 5. Chap. 15. 12, 30. had then Right and Power to appoint things that were to be done in the Church, for Order and Peace. I do not fay they had it without, or in dittindion from their Officers, Rulers, and Guides, but in a concurrence with them, and fubordination to them ; whence the Ads con- cluded on, may be efteemed,and are the As of the whole Church.This order can beobferved,or this can fall out on- ly in a Congregational Chur ch,all whole Members domeet together for the difchargeof their Duties and Exercife of their Difcipline. And if no more may be conldered in it but the mifcarriage of the people, without any refpe& to their Right and Power, yet filch Churches as wherein 'tis impoffible that that thould fall out in them , as did fo fall out in that Church, are not of the fame kindor or- der with it. But for the fake of them , who may endeavour to re- duce any Church -faate into its Primitive Conftitution, that they may be cautioned againtt that great Evil which this Church, in the exercife of their fuppofed liberty fell into, I cannot but tranfcribe a fewofthole excellent words which are ufed plentifully with cogent Reafons in this Epiftle againft it. Alves, aa7rnr, iÿ J íav rag. óz. oúxes4ei ává as 'r"ns év Xecç o á5t.4; cix4eTCy,71td (34a,+oT.TWi xJ apx+av Kopiv.Siwv éxxnoiav, 'El, chic, 760w= szcov<ev 7-ÿ; Tvs 9rpgaßuTipss. It if fhameful, beloved, exceeding flume-